Travelling from Cardiff to the village of Taff Well?

Let Transport for Wales take you there in under 20 minutes. Our carriages are comfortable, clean and many offer free WiFi for your convenience, so sit back, enjoy the ride and let TfW take the strain.

Live departures and arrivals
  • Why Choose Transport for Wales?
    • By putting every passenger’s needs and comfort first, Transport for Wales offer the ideal way to travel across Wales and beyond. Safe, efficient and supremely cost effective, we’ll get you to your destination feeling stress-free and relaxed.
  • What types of train tickets can you get?
    • From First-Class to Off-peak and Advanced, we have a ticket option to suit your requirements and budget. We offer discounts to seniors, families and group bookings, so see where you can save by visiting our Ticket Types available here.
  • Do the trains have free WiFi?
    • Make the most of your journey and connect to the free WiFi that is available on the majority of our trains. Stream films or music, download documents for work or study, or just catch up with your social media without depleting your data allowance.