Catching the train from Pontypridd to the town of Bridgend takes you through some of the most glorious landscapes in the country, getting you to your destination in a little over an hour.

Travelling by train reduces carbon emissions, and helps to ensure that the countryside remains beautiful.

Live departures and arrivals
  • Why Choose Transport for Wales?
    • Since 2016, Transport for Wales have been looking after you and your family. Keeping you safe and making sure you arrive at your destination on time, without breaking the bank or damaging the environment. You can rely on us to put you first.
  • Do the trains have free WiFi?
    • Our WiFi allows you to stream the latest blockbuster, download music as you wish, or head for your social media accounts. Offered free on most of our trains, click here for more details.
  • How to download our TfW app?
    • If you download our free mobile app for your iPhone or Android you'll be able to order tickets on the go, fast track to the train and recieve all the latest travel updates.
  • What destinations does TfW cover?
    • Covering the whole of Wales and a major part of England, Transport for Wales makes sure you arrive at your destination feeling relaxed. Our trains are far less poluting for the environment than road traffic, and save you the hassle of parking, traffic jams and paying petrol prices. For more information about where our trains go, click here.