Accessible travel information
Accessible travel information can also be found on the website of your bus or rail operator, or local authority. Please contact them directly if you require further details to help you plan your journey.
Do you use a mobility scooter?
The Confederation of Passenger Transport has published guidance if you use a mobility scooter and plan to use public transport.
Do you have sight loss?
The RNIB Cymru website includes guidance if you’re blind or partially sighted and plan to use public transport.
Finding accessible toilets
Please click on the links below for information about accessible toilets on our trains and at our stations.
If you’re travelling with another rail operator, please visit their website for information about accessibility on their trains. For stations, please visit the National Rail website and enter the name or three letter code of the stations you’re calling at for details of the facilities available.
You can find the locations and opening times of all public toilets in Wales on the Welsh Government website. The National Toilet Map can also tell you if a toilet includes accessible facilities.
If you have a disability, the National Key Scheme can provide independent access to locked public toilets around the UK. Toilets fitted with NKS locks can now be found in many bus and railway stations.
Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service
Help is available if you live in Wales and are unable to attend a non-emergency medical appointment using your own transport. Please click on the link below to check if you’re eligible.
Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service (NEPTS) - Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust