For an efficient and eco-friendly way to travel, catch one of our trains from Newport Station to Carmarthen and arrive feeling relaxed and unstressed.

Why not bring your best friend along, too? We love to meet dogs, and as long as they are polite, you can bring up to two dogs on our trains. Follow this link for more information.

Live departures and arrivals
  • Why Choose Transport for Wales?
    • You can rely on Transport for Wales to put your requirements first. Your need for an efficient service, your need for cheap tickets, and your need to arrive at your destination feeling relaxed. With all of these things catered for, catching the train is a winning choice.
  • How to download our TfW app?
    • Giving you direct train access, our free downloadable app allows you to fast track your journey and avoid the busy ticket office. Download from The App Store or Google Play Store and make life easier.
  • What are the accessibility options for TfW trains?
    • Transport for Wales have always believed in inclusivity, and with stations and trains being improved, the opportunity to create as much accessibility as possible is here. The improvements include easy-to-read signs, wider mobility scooter spaces and ramps readily available. See what we're doing to make things easier here.
  • What are the ways to buy your ticket?
    • Buying tickets in person or remotely couldn't be easier, and you have a number of choices. These are:
    • At your local station

    • On the train itself

    • By phone

    • Via our mobile app

    • By visiting our website