For an efficient and eco-friendly way to travel, catch the train from Swansea to Ammanford in under an hour

With our unrivalled reputation and free to use WiFi, we've got you covered.

Live departures and arrivals
  • Are there any discounts available if I'm travelling with friends?
    • Travelling with friends is fun. We offer discounts to those travelling as part of a group, but we ask that you limit this to thirty people. For more information on our discounts for group bookings please read here.
  • What are the ways to buy your ticket?
    • Making travel easy is what we do best. That's why we have a number of ways for you to buy tickets with us. From on board the train, to over the phone. We are sure to have an option to suit.
  • What destinations does TfW cover?
    • TfW covers a range of destinations from Swansea. You can easily travel to London or Birmingham and many other destinations. For the full list of places we travel to, click here.