Whatever you are going through, there is somebody who will face it with you.

All it takes is one call to ask for help. 

We've prepared a list of people who are there to listen, if you want to talk, or know someone who might need support. 


Phone: 116 123 
Email: jo@samaritans.org
Welsh language line: 0808 164 01 23

Mental Health Helpline for Wales
Phone: 0800 132 737 
Text: 81066
C.A.L.L. Mental Health Helpline
Meic (Young people up to the age of 25) Phone: 0808 802 34 56 
Text: 84001
Papyrus Helpline (Prevention of young suicide) Phone: 0800 068 41 41 
Email: pat@papyrus-uk.org 
Papyrus UK
NSPCC Childline (Young people up to the age of 19) Phone: 0800 11 11 Childline


Get talking, and help prevent suicide

We're working with the British Transport Police, Network Rail and other partners – together - do all we can to prevent rail suicides and support those affected by them.  

We support the rail industry's ‘small talk saves lives’ bystander campaign developed in partnership with Samaritans and British Transport Police. This campaign focuses on ways to encourage the public to support those who may be in emotional crisis around them on the rail network, by striking up small talk and potentially saving a life. 


How you can help

Never put yourself at risk but this small act can make such an enormous difference. Simply talking to someone and interrupting their thoughts may be all it takes to encourage them to reach out for support.  
There’s guidance on the signs to look out for and how to start a conversation here - How to approach someone on a train platform | Samaritans

Spread the word so that we can create a world where fewer people die by suicide and talking about our feelings and our mental health is the norm.  

You could help save a life one day.

Small Talk Saves Lives | Samaritans Campaigns

We want all passengers and transport users to be safe.  

If you feel unsafe at any point, or you notice something which may impact on safety, please report it.

See it. Say it. Sorted.

British Transport Police Phone: 0800 40 50 40 or in an emergency 999
Text: 61016 (in an emergency, always dial 999)
Email: 61016@btp.pnn.police.uk 
Network Rail to report emergencies such as:
  • People, animals, or objects on or near the track
  •  Damage or fault at a level crossing
  •  A vehicle has hit a bridge
  •  A broken fence or open gate allowing access to the track
Phone: 03457 11 41 41