Whether it's a family fun day or you're travelling for a business trip, enjoy complete peace of mind while we take you on a relaxing train ride from Swansea to Abergavenny.

With our money saving tickets, free WiFi and impressive reputation, we're with you all the way!

Live departures and arrivals
  • Why Choose Transport for Wales?
    • With our passengers at the forefront of everything we do, Transport for Wales ensures you arrive safely at your destination. Catching the train keeps your carbon footprint down, and thanks to our cheap fares, keeps you costs down, too.
  • Are there any discounts available if I'm travelling with friends?
    • A day out with friends is a great idea, and whether you go sightseeing, for a spot of retail therapy or have some fun at the beach, Transport for Wales can make it even better. Our group discounts make sure you have plenty left in your purse for the day. Find more information here.
  • Can I take my dog on the train?
    • Take your dog out for an adventure with Transport for Wales. You can bring two well behaved pets per adult on our trains, providing they don't interfere with any passengers. There's more information here.
  • What are the ways to buy your ticket?
    • Transport for Wales have several user friendly ways to purchase your train ticket:
    • Website

    • Phone

    • Mobile app

    • Station ticket machine

    • Train

    • Here is all the information you need to buy your ticket.