If you want to travel by train at high speeds, but in an eco-friendly manner - Transport for Wales is the way to go.

Jump on a train from Holyhead to Newport and enjoy our free on-board WiFi for the entire duration of the trip.

Live departures and arrivals
  • What types of train tickets can you get?
    • Here at Transport for Wales, we deeply believe in providing our customers with reliable, yet affordable train service. Our select range of tickets provides discounts for groups, children, over 50s and more - click here to find out more.
  • How to download our TfW app?
    • Our phone app allows you to book and purchase tickets, check for discounts, and receive updates about your trip on the go. Download it for iOS or Android.
  • Can I take my dog on the train?
    • Our trains are pet friendly - we allow up to two pets per each passenger as long as they are well-behaved and do not bother other passengers. If you want to bring your dog, cat, or another pet on board, click here to find out how.