We recognise the importance of the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013

We are committed to supporting the Welsh Government’s vision of walking and cycling becoming the preferred ways of getting around over shorter distances for the people of Wales.

As well as providing advice and support to the Welsh Government, including assisting in the review of guidance associated with the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013, in December 2020 we also became responsible for administration of the Active Travel Fund programme on behalf of the Welsh Government, enabling us to play a much greater role in supporting healthy and sustainable travel across Wales.

Local authorities are able to apply for funding through the Active Travel Fund (ATF) programme, via a combination of core funding and a competitive bidding process, to support the delivery of active travel schemes across Wales. Further information on the ATF programme is available here.

We're working with local authorities and other key stakeholders to help deliver an integrated transport network across Wales, including providing support and advice to local authorities in the development and delivery of their active travel schemes. We'll also be directly enhancing provision for active travel through improved connections to the public transport network by:

  • Investing £194m in station improvements and building at least five new stations;
  • Utilising a £15m fund to make stations more accessible and launching a new app allowing customers requiring assistance to ‘turn up and go’.
  • Ensuring there is appropriate signage at all stations to promote onward travel by public transport.

Further information on the Welsh Government’s approach to walking and cycling is available here.