Wales and UK train timetables
Check our train timetables before you travel to avoid any surprises.
We’ll sometimes need to introduce new or temporary timetables when essential works are planned, or if any problems occur on the network. Please check before you travel for any changes to train times and connections with other train operators’ services.
You can stay up to date using our rail app, which provides live train times and keeps you informed for your latest journey.
- Timetable change Monday 09 September 2024
From Monday 09 September there will be a few minor changes to our timetable mainly due to operational reasons.
Please check journey plans before you travel for any changes to train times, platform changes and connections with other train operators’ services.
Here’s an overview of the most significant changes across our network:
North Wales
The following enhanced summer early morning Sunday train service along the North Wales coast will finish and the following services will no longer run.
06:21 Chester to Holyhead
07:19 Holyhead to Crewe
Mid Wales
The following enhanced Sunday summer train service will run as a bus service.
08:31 Shrewsbury to Machynlleth
West Wales
Until Summer 2025, some early morning and late evening weekday and Sunday services west of Swansea will be retimed or replaced by a bus.
What’s happening?
Network Rail is renewing old signalling equipment which will help improve journeys in and out of West Wales making them more reliable.
The work includes installing brand-new telecoms, power distribution and modern signalling systems. We are having to work over a longer time period due to the large area covered and the limited access points available to allow our workforce onto the railway.
South Wales
Treforest Industrial Estate
Cardiff - Treforest, Aberdare and Merthyr Sunday services will now call at Treforest Industrial Estate.
- Timetable booklets 2024
If you would like to create a specific downloadable timetable for your journey please use the tool on National Rail Enquiries.
September 2024
June 2024
- Chester - Birmingham
- Swansea - Shrewsbury | Heart of Wales line
- Cardiff - Manchester
- Maesteg - Cheltenham Spa
- Llandudno and Llandudno Junction - Blaenau Ffestiniog
- Bidston - Wrexham Central
- Rhymney Valley - Cardiff Central
- Treherbert/Aberdare/Merthyr Tydfil - Cardiff Central
- Cardiff to Penarth, Barry Island and the Vale of Glamorgan
- Coryton - Cardiff Central
- Ebbw Vale Town - Newport/Cardiff Central
- Cardiff Queen Street - Cardiff Bay
Metro timetable changes
Timetables can also change due to metro transformation works across our network. Please visit our metro transformation work page for more information.
Refunds for timetable changes
If you’ve already purchased tickets for services affected by changes you’ll be able to use your tickets on alternative TfW rail services. Alternatively, you’ll be able to request a refund by visiting our refunds page.
Stay completely up to date with train time changes, alterations and cancellations using our journey planner.
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