Cardiff Bus Interchange FAQ

  • When will the new interchange be ready?
    • Cardiff Bus Interchange will open in June 2024 with bus services scheduled to start on Sunday 30 June 2024.

      On Thursday 27, Friday 28 and Saturday 29 June between 7:00 and 19:00, we’ll be opening the doors so the public can come in and see the brand-new bus interchange. The public will be able to learn more about the facilities on offer and meet our operational team to find out how they can access the bus services available from the interchange, as well as nearby on-street bus services and rail services from the nearby Cardiff Central station.

  • What can I expect on the first day of operations?
    • From day one, you can expect a joined-up approach between the bus interchange and Cardiff Central rail station with clear wayfinding and highly trained staff to help you make seamless connections between different modes of transport as well as walking, wheeling and cycling.

      Our Customer Ambassadors will be on hand to help you plan your journeys using different modes, including making journeys between the bus interchange and Cardiff Central station, as well as nearby on street bus stops. The ambassadors will be available to connect you to live departure information and advise on the best routes to take for their journey. Our ambassadors and interchange staff will be on hand and ready to assist you at the main entrance areas and throughout the concourse.

      Customer information screens will be installed throughout the bus interchange concourse, displaying live information on departures from the interchange, as well as live information on departures from Cardiff Central rail station.

  • How was it decided which services will run from the bus interchange?
    • We worked closely with local bus operators to prepare for the opening of the bus interchange. The bus operators decided which of their services they would run from the bus interchange with the 14 bus bays available.

      Cardiff Bus and Stagecoach have confirmed their services which will run from the bus interchange from 30 June as part of the first phase of services.

      You can find out more information about Cardiff Bus services here. Please check with Cardiff Bus for the most up-to-date information on their services.

      You can find out more information about Stagecoach services here. Please check with Stagecoach for the most up-to-date information on their services.

      There are plans for additional services to use the bus interchange later in the year, with the next phase of services expected to run from September 2024. Further nformation on the services and dates will be shared once fully confirmed.

  • What improvements will there be from the old bus station?
    • Working as part of Cardiff’s transport hub, it’ll offer better connections to and between different transport modes including rail, walking, wheeling and cycling, within the city and across the region to better suit people’s lifestyle choices.

      • Offering better connections to and between different transport modes, within the city and across the region to better suit people’s lifestyles.
      • A modern, clean, and safe bus interchange with essential facilities for all including shops, public toilets, and drinking water fountains to make travelling by bus a more comfortable experience.
      • A hub for transport information and staffed by approachable staff - making it familiar, easy and seamless for all to use.
      • Accessible to all and complies with Equalities Act law. It’s been designed with modern travellers in mind to enable people to travel easily regardless of accessibility requirements, including tactile flooring, braille map and a changing places room, removing barriers and increasing access for all.
  • How much did it cost and how was it being funded?
    • The Cardiff Bus Interchange is part of the wider Welsh Government and private sector led interchange building delivered by Rightacres Property. The fit out of Cardiff Bus Interchange is an £11m project funded by the Welsh Government.

  • How many bus bays are there?
    • The bus interchange has 14 bus bays.

  • How does the new interchange integrate with other modes of transport, especially cycling?
    • The interchange is located next to new sections of Cardiff’s cycle superhighway network, making for easy access. The interchange is a 50m walk to the railway station, making interchange to onwards journeys quick and easy.

  • Does the interchange include spaces for bikes?
    • No, the bus interchange doesn’t include spaces for bikes.

      However, as part of our planned enhancements and surrounding master planning of Cardiff Central station, we’ll be creating 1,000 high-quality cycle parking spaces. You can find out more about the Cardiff Central Enhancements programme here.

      These will be part of Cardiff’s exciting new active travel infrastructure and will help people to travel more sustainably by public transport.

  • What shops will be available at the interchange?
    • We’re currently still looking at options for which shops will be at the interchange. We’ve been speaking with business on the available retail opportunities and considering how these would meet the local demand.

      We’re finalising talks with two business for two spaces at the interchange and we’ll share more details soon. We’ll share more information on the other spaces in due course.

  • Is the bus interchange be accessible and inclusive?
    • Cardiff Bus Interchange fully complies with requirements set out in the Equalities Act. To assist our blind and partially sighted customers, there’s be tactile flooring throughout the concourse area to guide customers to the bus bays, and an accessibility map will help customers locate the bus bays and facilities. The bus interchange  also has a changing places room, fully accessible toilets, individual unisex toilets and a fully equipped family room. This will remove barriers to increase access and reach for all.

  • What safety measures are in place at the interchange?
    • The location of the interchange means that customers and visitors will benefit from a light, airy and clean transport hub that is safe and secure thanks to the latest surveillance technology and our friendly security guards. The bus interchange and Cardiff Central station will be managed as one hub, with easy to understand customer information systems and clear wayfinding at the rail station and interchange.

  • How do the customer information screens receive live departure information?
    • The customer information screens receive real-time departure information from a central database so that you have the most up-to-date information on buses departing from the bus interchange. This includes times when the buses depart and the allocated bay numbers. The system also receives information on the live locations of the buses. If the system can’t draw real-time information from the central database, then the information screens revert to the bus operators’ scheduled timetable.

  • What will happen when major events take place in the city centre?
    • When city centre road closures are in place for major events taking place in the city centre, the bus interchange will close, and buses will divert to on-street stops outside of the road closures area. Retail outlets with external access onto Central Square will still be able to open on event days. We’ll continue working closely with bus operators to ensure customers are informed during times of disruption, including on major event days.

  • Will coaches be using the interchange?
    • The interchange will be used by buses only, and coaches will continue with current arrangements. We’ve previously worked with partners on a study to explore how coach accommodation in Cardiff may be improved. This study will support any decisions or further work undertaken by partners.

  • What time is the interchange open?
    • The interchange will open shortly before the first scheduled service and close shortly after the last scheduled service of the day.

  • What times will the interchange be staffed?
    • The interchange will be staffed whilst operational with increased customer support during peak hours.

  • What element of the building does Transport for Wales have responsibility for?
    • TfW is responsible for the bus station and bus apron (the area where the buses pull in). The remainder of the development outside of this area will be leased and operated by third parties.

  • Who do I contact with complaints or feedback about the bus interchange?
    • For complaints or feedback relating to any bus services running from the bus interchange, please contact the bus operator directly.

      Contact details for Cardiff Bus can be found here: Cardiff Bus.

      Contact details for Stagecoach can be found here: Stagecoach

      For other complaints and feedback relating to the bus interchange, please contact Traveline Cymru on 08004 640 000 or by completing our feedback form here.