About fflecsi

  • Who provides fflecsi?
    • fflecsi services are provided by local bus operators working with councils and Transport for Wales.

  • What are the benefits of the app?
    • Our app provides you with a quick and easy way to request fflecsi. Once you’ve booked, our app confirms where it’ll pick you up and when it’ll arrive. You can even check the current location of your bus as it comes to pick you up.


Your fflecsi journey

  • Where can I travel?
    • fflecsi gives you the freedom to request your preferred pickup and drop-off locations. The system will then find the best option for your request.

  • Where will you pick me up?
    • Your bus will pick you up from a convenient point near to where you are, but this may not be at a bus stop. If you’re using our app, it will show you where your pick-up point is.

      If you call us to book, our adviser will explain where your pick-up point is.

  • What happens if I’m late?
    • Our app will tell you when your bus will arrive. Please make sure you’re at your pick-up point in plenty of time.

      We need to make sure your fflecsi service runs smoothly as other passengers will be relying on it.  Your bus will wait for you for two minutes but will then need to leave to pick up the next passenger.


Journey costs

  • How much does it cost?
    • fflecsi is designed to be an affordable service. For fare information please check the location page for the area you’ll be travelling in. You can still use your season or pre-purchased ticket.

      MyTravelpass discounts apply.

      You can also use your 60 and over or disabled concessionary travel card.

  • How do I pay for my journey?
    • You pay on the bus using a contactless bank card or Smartcard. Some operators accept cash as well, but please check the location page to see if this is possible where you’re travelling. There is currently no facility to pay for the service in advance, paying fares through the app will be rolled out over the next year.

  • I’m over 60 or disabled, can I still use my concessionary travel card?
    • Yes. You can use your concessionary card on all fflecsi services.


Booking with fflecsi

  • Can I book in advance?
    • fflecsi works differently to support local needs - check the location page for the area you want to see if this is possible.

  • Do I need to book a seat for my child even though they travel free of charge?
    • Yes, all persons travelling, including children and babies, should be booked as an additional passenger.

  • I don’t have a smartphone, can I still book?
    • The best way to book and manage your journeys is to download our app on your smartphone or tablet but you can still call to book by calling us on 0300 234 0300.

Book to use this service

Download our app

Call us on 0300 234 0300

Monday - Saturday: 07:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00