If you have a question or concern, we’re happy to help

We will respond to your claim in 20 working days.

Complaint and feedback submission
Please confirm your language preference

Journey details

Please upload a scanned copy or photo of your ticket

Accepted formats: gif jpg png jpeg

Staff member details


Ticket or refund details

If it's easier, please upload a scanned copy or photo of your ticket

Accepted formats: gif jpg png jpeg

Station section

Journey details

South Wales metro improvement work

Please upload your photo(s)

Accepted formats: gif jpg png jpeg

If there is an immediate safety threat such as:

  • People, animals or objects on or near the track
  • Damage or fault at a level crossing
  • A vehicle has hit a bridge
  • A broken fence or open gateway allowing access to the track

Please call us immediately on 03457 114 141

Your comments

Your details

How would you like a response to this feedback?:
We may need to share details of your form with other parts of the Transport for Wales Group or other train operators if your claim or comments relate to another company. Please tick this box if you are happy for us to share these details.

It will not affect your right to make a claim and give comments but may make it more difficult for us to resolve your case quickly. Please note - we will not share your information for marketing purposes. Completion of this form confirms that the information provided is correct to the best of your knowledge. Transport for Wales reserves the right to share your personal details with other Train Operators and relevant third parties to prevent fraud and we may prosecute any individual making fraudulent claims.
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