Lost something on your journey?
If you've recently lost an item/s on one of our trains or at one of our stations, we'll do our very best to help reunite you with your belongings.
We've partnered with MissingX, the world’s leading provider of lost and found solutions and Zero Burden Service to help make the process of getting you things back as easy as possible.
Please use our lost property system to search for your item/s using the link above.
- If your item/s have been found on our network, it will appear after your search and you'll be able to claim it.
- If the item doesn’t show up on the system after your initial search, then you will need to register the item/s to log them as missing. Please note this system does not currently support screen readers.
- This will then be recorded in our database and you will further be contacted if your property has since been found.
If it has been over 12 weeks since your item/s was first lost, but it has been found on our network during that time, by this point it will have been passed to our partner Zero Burden Service for donation/disposal.
Returning your item/s
Any lost items found across our network on trains or at stations are passed to ‘Hub stations’ and logged within our internal system, before being passed through to our lost property office in Newport. This process may take a few days, so please be patient and don’t give up hope.
If we have found your item, you can then choose to reunite with it by either arranging delivery by courier, or by picking it up in person from our lost property office in Newport.
Lost property office details
Newport Lost Property Office
Newport Train Station
NP20 4AX
Opening hours
Monday - Friday 10:00 to 16:00.
Our lost property office will be closed from 16:00 Monday 23 December and re-opens 10:00 Thursday 02 January.
Lost Property charges
We charge a small handling fee of £2 per item.
Zero Burden Service charges may also be levied if the item has been located within their storage. Please note, items cannot be collected physically or by courier from Zero Burden Service and must be arranged from the lost property office.
03333 211 202 (charged at local rates from BT phone)
This number is only suitable for passengers that are unable to use the MissingX system, for example those without internet access or those who are visually impaired. An agent will simply log details on behalf of users. We recommend that passengers are advised to use the MissingX system themselves where possible.
If you think you may have lost something while traveling with another train operator on our network, then please contact them directly to see if they have your property. Alternatively, you could also try www.missingx.com to check if the network is covered there. By changing the operator name to the service you were travelling with when you believe your item was lost.