Accelerate your business in 3 months

Design, develop and pitch your MVP to win a contract of work with Transport for Wales… in 3 months. Join our innovation accelerator programme and scaleup your business.


2025 Media Cymru and Transport for Wales Challenge Statement


Media Specific Challenges as outlined by Media Cymru (Must be based in Wales for the Media Challenge):

• Supporting tourism via the transport network.

• Strengthening the use of the Welsh language across the network.

• Creating mixed-media experiences to improve commuter journeys.

• Promote the brand and/or offering using new forms of media

• Attracting people to use the network via new media


Transport Specific Challenges as outlined by Transport for Wales:

• Revenue Generation and Cost Efficiency

o Identifying new revenue opportunities

o Designing cost-effective solutions

o Leveraging AI to enhance operations

• Modal Shift and Engagement

o Encouraging more people to use sustainable transport

o Developing an integrated, sustainable transport system

• Operational Excellence

o Improving rail and bus performance

o Enhancing safety for passengers and staff

o Strengthening climate resilience

Apply here



How we help your start-up

We accelerate tech start-ups with our 10-week accelerator programme, in partnership with Transport for Wales, by delivering innovation workshops, mentoring and training covering
Market Research icon Customer Insights icon Value Proposition Design icon Prototyping icon





Validation icon MVP icon Demo Day icon


Developing a minimal
viable product



Learn more






Our previous cohorts

Find out more about our alumni and their success.

Shapes logo

Route Konnect logo Doopoll logo Windowseater logo



300+ 40+ 19 13

Start ups applied for our cohorts

Start ups shortlisted

Start ups worked with

Start ups taken to business case review



Want to follow in their footsteps?

Apply here



Our latest demo day

Watch the video from our latest demo day



Why participate?

If you have a product or service that can benefit Transport for Wales processes, or improve passenger experience, we’d love to hear from you.

Participants will collaborate with mentors across the innovation sector and Transport for Wales. This expertise will help your start up refine and develop a product fit-for-purpose for the rail industry, and then make a pitch to decision makers from Transport for Wales.

Successful pitches will be awarded a contract of work, to fund the remainder of the project and produce a product or service that has real world impact across Transport for Wales.





Benefits of our programme

Mentoring icon Collaboration icon

Mentoring from industry experts

Collaboration with TfW and partners

Guidance, mentoring and coaching from innovation delivery experts and decision makers. Access to live data, customer feedback and testing,TfW stakeholders and funding partners.
Business Growth icon Remote Collab icon

Business growth


The opportunity to win a contract of work and receive funding to launch your product across TfW Work with us throughout weekly workshops, coaching you from ideation to pitch.



Our partners


View partners



Why work with TfW?

Be part of a multi-billion pound, growing industry, with a wealth of investment opportunities for innovative projects. Develop technology and innovative solutions that will improve the passenger experience for millions of people and make a real, lasting improvement across Wales.

Showcase your product and business to the wider network of partners and stakeholders associated with Transport for Wales. Be part of an industry that will give your start-up the opportunities to be innovative, to grow and to be successful.

Apply here







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