Get the train and ferry to Ireland with our combined SailRail ticket.
Our SailRail ticket is a combined ferry and train ticket for journeys from anywhere in Great Britain to anywhere in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Travel by rail and sail; get the train to Holyhead or Fishguard, then catch an Irish Ferries or Stena Line ferry to Ireland.
It’s possible to reserve a place on your train and your ferry of choice when purchasing your tickets, giving you peace of mind for your whole journey.
Book your ferry space now by buying a SailRail ticket:
- Buy your ticket on our website using Journey Planner. Make sure the destination is marked for your correct port destination.
- Buy your ticket by phone on 03333 211 202 (8:00 to 20:00 Monday to Saturday or 9:00 to 17:00 on Sundays).
- Alternatively, you can buy a ticket at any station ticket office.
Would you like more information on SailRail?
- Check out our SailRail FAQs.
- Plan your combined train and ferry journey with SailRail timetables.
Did you know?Multiflex ticketsOur lowest single fare for hundreds of regular journeys.Available exclusively on our app