Carbon emissions 2020/21 update

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Carbon emissions 2020/21

May 2022 update


Initial assessment of our 2020/21 carbon emissions estimated a total footprint of 603,070 tCO2e. During analysis of data collected for the 2021/22 report, discrepancies were found within our supply chain emissions. Further analysis discovered double-counting within the underlying spend data. These errors have now been fixed and a revised report for our 2020/21 emissions has been completed.

The revised report estimates our total footprint for 2020/21 to be 242,756 tCO2e. The biggest change in our report came from our supply chain emissions, originally counted at 521,164 tCO2e. We’ve removed any duplicated underlying spend data, resulting in a new figure of 160,850 tCO2e.

This updated report has been produced to account for the corrected supply chain data and adjusted total emissions for 2020/21.


Our carbon footprint 2020/21

Scope 1

Direct emissions resulting from operations and activities that TfW owns or controls.


Scope 2

Indirect emissions from grid-supplied energy.


Scope 3

Indirect emissions resulting from activities related to TfW operations, but not within our direct control.


Scope 1 - 27%

Scope 2 - 1%

Scope 3 - 72%


How we’re reducing our emissions

We’re committed to reducing emissions from our supply chain where possible.

We’ll perform ongoing analysis of our supply chain emissions to establish an accurate representation of the carbon footprint from the goods and services we buy, identifying opportunities for emission reductions to support our 2030 decarbonisation targets.


Our highest emitting activity

Supply chain 160,850 tCO2e

This is due to our extensive transformation programme.


Our supply chain is essential help us create:

  • Infrastructure upgrades and maintenance
  • Metro transformation
  • New rolling stock
  • New depots and station buildings


Emitting activity tCO2e
Scope 1 (direct emissions)
Gas 607
Fuels 63,890
Vehicle mileage 7
Renewable energy generation 0
Scope 2 (indirect emissions from grid-supplied energy)
Electricity 2,647
Scope 3 (other indirect emissions)
Gas upstream losses 87
Fuel upstream losses 14,655
Waste and recycling 13
Water supply 21
Water treatment 42
Supply chain 160,850
Electricity upstream losses 624
Vehicle mileage upstream losses 2
Land use emissions
Net use emissions from TfW land assets -689
Total 2020/21 emissions 242,756