Transport for Wales

Transport for Wales Rail Ltd

We draw our expertise from all quarters, putting it to work for the benefit of passengers in Wales. We're ready, willing and able to push the boundaries, to embrace new opportunities and to be dynamic in our approach.

Whether you'd like to join our office staff or the front line. We're always looking to expand our hard-working rail team and we have a range of careers to suit all talents, backgrounds and skills.

Typical roles include:

  • Head office (e.g. Finance, HR, Comms, supply chain)
  • Engineering/Project management
  • Active travel 
  • Catering
  • Cleaning

Typical roles include:

  • Head office (e.g. Finance, HR, Comms, supply chain)
  • Engineering/Project management
  • Station staff
  • Conductors
  • Drivers

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