We offer work experience and placements to help you gain valuable insight into working with us and develop key skills for your career.
What is work experience with Transport for Wales?
It’s the knowledge and skills you’ll gain by working for us on a short-term (up to three weeks), usually unpaid basis.
What are the benefits?
Learning about our working environment - we’ll give you an insight into what happens, both out on Wales’ transport network and within TfW.
Work activities and tasks - you’ll get involved with tasks and activities that will help you learn.
Work skills - we’ll apply your skills and previous academic learning with us in real life situations.
You’ll gain new skills and experience that will benefit you in your future career.
We’re excited to be launching our new virtual work experience platform this Autumn. More information on this opportunity can be found below.
Work Placement
A work placement with us involves gaining valuable skills and experience in a particular area of the business for a fixed period, usually from 1 - 12 months.
A placement with us will include:
Work skills - we’ll apply your skills and previous academic learning with us in a particular area of the business.
Development - We can provide you with both on-the-job training and formal paid training to help develop your skills in a given area.
Networking - We’ll provide you with various networking opportunities, whilst you gain valuable insight into the transport industry.