About the Wales National Travel Survey
Information for households invited to take part in the Wales National Travel Survey
The Wales National Travel Survey is being carried out by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) on behalf of Transport for Wales. The survey will collect data on travel attitudes and behaviour from people living in Wales. The results will help Transport for Wales and Welsh Government develop transport and travel policies and decide how services are delivered.
Each year around 15,000 randomly selected households across Wales are invited to participate online, via telephone or through a face-to-face interview in their home.
Who can take part?
The survey can only be completed by households who are selected to participate. If your household has been invited to participate, up to two adults aged 16 years or over from your household can participate online or one adult aged 16 years or over from your household can participate via telephone or face-to-face interview.
Invitation letters
If your address has been selected to participate in the survey you will be sent the following letter and frequently asked question sheet.
Incentive for completing the survey
To say thank you, those who take part will receive a £10 Love2Shop gift voucher. More information about Love2Shop vouchers including how you can activate, manage and find out where you can spend your gift voucher can be found at www.love2shop.co.uk.
I do not wish to participate
Taking part is voluntary, but we hope that you will take part as it is important that all kinds of people across Wales are represented in the results. We cannot replace you with anyone else.
If you do not wish to take part you can let us know either by calling the NatCen survey helpline on 0800 652 9296 or emailing WNTS@natcen.ac.uk. Please provide your reference number (on your letter), the first line of your address, and postcode so we can easily find your details and ensure that you do not receive any further communications about the survey.
How can I make sure the interviewer is who they say they are?
All interviewers working on the Wales National Travel Survey work for NatCen.
They carry an interviewer ID card, which shows their:
- name
- photograph
- identity number
If you would like to check an interviewer's credentials, please call the NatCen survey helpline on 0800 652 9296.
Confidentiality and Data protection
The study is confidential and any personal information you give us will be kept securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act. You will not be identifiable from the survey results and your answers will only be used for research purposes. It will not be possible to identify you individually from any reports based on the results.
Your details will not be used for marketing purposes.
For more information about how we use, manage and store the information collected, please see our Privacy Notice.
Data linking
The Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank is a research unit based at Swansea University.
The core of their work is linking information from surveys and databases across Wales and making it available to accredited researchers working on approved projects.
Respondents to the Wales National Travel Survey will have their anonymised survey answers linked to other data sources held in the SAIL Databank.
Names, dates of birth, sex and home postcode are not included in the linked data available to researchers but are used by a trusted third party to support the linkage of the anonymised survey data to other records held in the SAIL Databank.
Respondents are able to opt out of having their answers linked. This can be done during the survey, or afterwards by contacting Transport for Wales’s National Travel Survey team on 03333 211 202 or at travelsurvey@tfw.wales.
Further information about the data linking process can be found in the below documents.
Contact or complaints
Should you have any questions about the Wales National Travel Survey or you would like to make a complaint, you can contact NatCen on 0800 652 9296 or WNTS@natcen.ac.uk.
Alternatively, you can contact Transport for Wales on 03333 211 202 or at travelsurvey@tfw.wales.