Stakeholder engagement

Good stakeholder engagement principles and activities will ensure that we meet our commitment to effectively communicate the key aims and objectives of the survey and how we are designing and delivering all aspects of the survey and eventual data collected. This engagement will enable stakeholders to provide us with invaluable feedback on key aspects of the survey right through development, to publication of data and ongoing enhancements for future survey waves. We can also identify the best ways in which to communicate with stakeholders and offer simple ways in which they can be involved.

Involving stakeholders in key aspects of the survey development and delivery will ensure that the data published both meets needs and is used by as wide a range of stakeholders as possible.

Informed by the principles in the Code of Practise for Statistics, we have identified a set of key aims for the stakeholder engagement activities to maximise value for users. 

  1. Identify, engage with, and understand the needs of interested stakeholders.
  2. Increase awareness and understanding of the survey with as wide an audience as possible.
  3. Enhance the data collected in consultation with stakeholders to ensure it meets their wider needs.
  4. Work collaboratively with stakeholders to deliver against their needs and communicate where their needs both can and cannot be met.
  5. Engage with users to understand reporting priorities and how best to present data and analysis; and
  6. Effectively manage and target timely stakeholder communications using the most appropriate communication channels for each stakeholder group.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to contact us at