Looking for train times and train tickets? Our journey planner below is designed to help you get from A to B as quickly, efficiently and cheaply as possible. Whether you’re travelling from ManchesterSwanseaCardiff or anywhere in the UK, we’re here to make sure you have a pleasant ride.

Our trains run all day, from early morning to late evening. So whether you’re commuting for work, going shopping in the city or enjoying a night out with friends, we’re here to make sure you get there and get home safe and sound. 

So what are you waiting for? Book a train ticket with us today.

We want our customers to get the most from our services, which is why we’ve worked to make sure our train prices are as cheap as possible. If you choose to travel with us, we will always aim to find you the cheapest fare and route possible.


Season tickets

Travel with us regularly? Why not get yourself a Season ticket? We‘ve a range of seasonal tickets available, including weekly, monthly, annual and custom, to multiple destinations including popular spots like Shrewsbury and Cardiff. All of our Season tickets are also available to purchase with a railcard, too.