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TfW FOI Request - M4 Collisions

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

M4 collisions

Date issued: 04 November 2019

Thank you for your Freedom of Information (FOI) Act request of 4 November 2019. You requested the following information:

how many collisions there have been on the M4 between Cardiff and Newport since the first of August?

• the number of times the same stretch of road has been congested due to a brokendown vehicle in the last three months

We are writing to confirm that your request has been considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act) and that Transport for Wales has completed its search for the information requested.

We are writing to confirm that we do not hold this information. Transport for Wales does not have the remit for trunk roads in Wales. The remit for trunk road safety, construction and maintenance lies with the Welsh Government, to whom your request should be redirected.

Yours sincerely

Transport for Wales