Transport for Wales Board Meeting Minutes - 16 July 2020

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TfW Board minutes July 2020

10:00 – 16:30; 16 July 2020

Clive House, Bradford Place, Penarth

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the meeting took place via video/audio conference



Scott Waddington (SW) (Chair); James Price (JP); Heather Clash (HC); Sarah Howells (SH); Nicola Kemmery (NK); Alison Noon-Jones (ANJ); Vernon Everitt (VE); Alun Bowen (AB); Gareth Morgan (item 2c) and Jeremy Morgan (Secretariat).

Operational update session (Part B): Geoff Ogden (GO); David O’Leary (DOL); Lewis Brencher (LB); Lisa Yates (LY); Lee Robinson (LR); Karl Gilmore (KG); Gareth Morgan (GM) Dave Williams (DW); Jeremy Whittaker (JW) & Gary Forde (GF) (item 5a); and Andrew Gainsbury (AG) (item 5c).


Part A – Full Board Meeting

1a. Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Natalie Feeley (NF).


1b. Notice of Quorum

A quorum being present, the Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and declared the meeting open.


1c. Conflicts of Interest

None declared.


1d. Minutes & Actions of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the Board meeting 18 June 2020 were accepted as a true and accurate record. The Action Log was reviewed and is up to date with several actions to be covered during the meeting.


2a. Safety Moment

Signs of fatigue need to be noticed and managed and people need encouraging to take breaks.


2b. Customer moment

Evidence suggests that the initial attitude of staff can put-off customers. The Board discussed the importance of training people for front line roles as being vitally important to make a good first impression. A key element of services increasing in the coming weeks is how customers are treated.


2c. Safety performance

GM joined the meeting. The findings from last month’s internal Slido survey has been followed up with several actions: staff have been encouraged to schedule 45-minute meetings to allow for breaks; take time out during the day as many are working longer hours because of working from home; action is being taken to identify whether emails sent out of regular working hours can sent through a delayed delivery process; and potential arrangements for extendable and flexible working are being examined.

No Rail Services customer or passenger accidents, close calls, SPADs or RIDDOR reportable accidents were reported during the last period.

The Board discussed a recent accident in Welshpool when a car was struck by a train at a level crossing but causing no injuries. The car user had opened the gates but had not contacted the signalman. The train driver had sounded the horn and applied the brake. The Board requested an update on the safety aspects of managing, monitoring and closing level crossings on the CVL. GM and KG will be asked to report on plans and progress at the next Health, Safety and Well-being Committee meeting.

Action: GM and KG to update the Health, Safety and Well-being Committee on managing, monitoring and closing CVL level crossings at its next meeting.

The Board asked whether advertising space is allocated at stations to organisations such as the Samaritans. It was confirmed that this is done. In addition, staff undergo training to identify people who might be troubled. It was agreed to look at the use of software for monitoring CCTV for potential suicides.


3a. CEO report

Work continues to shape the future of the ODP contract for post-EMA expiry with a focus on putting the customer first and delivering value money. [Report]

Welsh Government guidelines on social distancing and wearing facemasks on public transport have changed, but work is on-going to interpret how the regulations apply to rail. The Board agreed that a risk on social distancing behaviours should be added to the strategic risk register.

Action: DOL to add a risk to the risk on enforcing social distancing behaviours on trains.

Regarding rolling stock, a UK-wide mechanism for driver training is in place which is particularly relevant for bringing in to service the class 769s. Three out of the ten units been accepted and a solution has been found for the airconditioning issue. The hope is that they will begin to enter service in the coming months.

CVL transformation work starts next month with several planned time bound blockades to allow work to be undertaken. The Board were informed that issues remain around deadlines for ERDF funding.

Work is on-going to support the Welsh Government in preparing for the next round of the Bus Emergency Scheme, preparing TfW to take a role in administering future schemes and integrating modes of transport. In addition, work continues with the Welsh Government on the programme to transfer activities into TfW around active travel.

The Board discussed the need to determine the economic impact of TfW schemes and to share this information with the Welsh Government.

Action: JP & GO explore how we evidence our impact on economic growth.


3b. Finance

The Board noted the management accounts for June 2020. In the month (June) revenue expenditure spend was at £34.8m of which £33.2m relates to rail the majority of which is passed through to the ODP. In the month (June) Capital Expenditure was at £11.7m of which £10.9m relates to rail.

Under the EMA, all ODP purchase orders require TfW approval. These are being tracked, logged and if necessary, challenged. Work is on-going to model the financial impact of the post-EMA period.

Work on the 2019-20 Annual Report and Financial Statements has concluded and the report and the statements will be published next week. The Board were thanked for their contributions. Work is on-going to determine TfW’s VAT status and amounts recoverable. A draft remit letter from the Welsh Government was received in early July and work continues to agree the budget to 31 March 2021.

The Board inquired as to whether a record is being kept of COVID-19 related costs regarding unexpected and unbudgeted items of expenditure. It was confirmed that the ODP is providing this information, with data also being collected internally. The Board requested that they receive reports on this information.

Action – HC to include COVID-19 related costs in monthly reporting to Board.

The Board also raised the issue of ERDF funding for CVL transformation. It was confirmed that several papers on the issue have been submitted for Welsh Government consideration and it is aware of the issues around timing. It was agreed that a narrative of the issue is required.

Action: LB to draft a narrative of the issue around ERDF funding for CVL transformation to share with the Welsh Government.


3c. Update on sub-committees

The Board approved updated Customer and Communications Committee Terms of Reference. The Board were updated on the recent Customer and Communications Committee meeting.


3d. Steering Board and update with Minister

The Chair updated the Board on the recent TfW Steering Board meeting which considered issues around bus services, arrangements for post-EMA expiry and KPIs. It was also confirmed that Steering Board would take place after TfW Board to allow for escalation of issues.


4. Any other business

None raised.


Part B – Operational update session

GM, LB, LR, AC, KG, DOL, DW and GO joined the meeting.


5a. Rail Futures programme

GF and JW joined the meeting. Through a paper, GF provided more detail on options for arrangements for post-EMA expiry, [redacted].

The Board agreed that value for money over the course of the new agreement is imperative and that safeguarding the continuation of services should take priority over commercial issues. [Redacted].


5b. CVL mid-week possessions

The Board were introduced to a paper providing details of the first phase of CVL transformation work which will require the ODP to access the railway under ‘possessions’ that see train services shut down early evening each weekday. As such, the ODP has prepared the ‘mid-week possessions plan’ with a modified timetable using replacement road transport which is due to commence on 3 August 2020 and to continue until August 2021. This will impact passengers using TfW services from Sunday to Thursday travelling anywhere to/from north of Radyr. The Board approved the recommendations in the paper, that:


(a) detailed plans are established, validated and ready for issuing to passengers and stakeholders for the August to September CVL possession plan, including a robust rail replacement bus plan and associated customer service support to facilitate the bus plan delivery;

(b) the September to December plan will be finalised and ready for issuing to passengers and stakeholders by no later than five weeks prior to the September possession dates;

(c) the new rail replacement provider will commence from January 2021 with a much-enhanced customer service proposition and Public Service Vehicle Accessibility Regulations 2000 (PSVAR) legally compliant bus provision; (d) the new rail replacement contract has a break clause after two years should TfW be strategically set-up, remitted and funded to directly deliver rail replacement bus services;

(e) TfW has established a much greater degree of focus and requested more assurance on the rail replacement bus provision between the Rail Operations and Commercial & Customer Experience teams and that greater assurance and audit of rail replacement delivery will be regularly undertaken to continually improve the customer service during times of disruption; and

(f) a robust and broad stakeholder and communications strategy has been developed and is already being implemented.

The Board agreed that the strategy and implementation of the recommendations should be referred to the Customer and Communications Committee.

The Board were informed that messaging around work already commenced and completed was positive and seen as necessary part of improving the network.


5c. Rolling stock

AG joined the meeting to provide a summary of the state of the existing fleet relating to modifications and phase out plans and the cascaded fleet to be introduced into service. The Pacer units were largely stored for the peak of the COVID-19 period and were brought back into service on 5 July. Application to the DfT has been made requesting PRM dispensation for the Pacers until 31 December 2020.


5d. Acquisitions and shareholdings


Work on the acquisition of PTI Cymru is now expected subject to Board approval of the wider Future Contact Centre proposition. The objectives of this work will incorporate the PTI Cymru acquisition.


5e. Risk Register

The Board discussed minor changes to the Strategic Risk Register. High-risk items were covered under other agenda items.


5f. Future contact centre

The Board approved recommendations to bring together several areas of current and future TfW customer contact functions spread across several directorates and external suppliers which are resulting in an inconsistent and inefficient operation. The aim is to develop, enhance, and simplify customer contact across the TfW brand by developing and delivering a complete in-house customer engagement function. The Board endorsed the approach to begin engagement with PTI Cymru in August 2020; [redacted]; and establish and agree a responsible, accountable, consulted and informed (RACI) matrix, risk register and timescales for each element of this programme. The Board were given confirmation that the project will be cost neutral to TfW and should deliver long term cost efficiencies and value for all stakeholders.


5g. Milestones

The Board reviewed the programme and corporate milestone trackers. It was agreed that the trackers would be presented to allow Board members to keep an eye on items pertinent to their committees.


5h. Communications

The overall TfW brand impression score continues to improve. Effective use of bulletins has been used to communicate various messages such as short platforms. Good feedback has also been given on TfW’s use of podcasts with Audit Wales’ good practice team approaching TfW. The Travel Safer campaign seems to be effective but is a moving feast due to frequent policy changes.

The Board asked when the ‘essential travel’ message to passengers will change. The Board were informed that the UK Government intends to soon remove this message, instead requesting that passengers avoid busy times rather than not travelling. The Board agreed that use of the word ‘avoid’ should be discontinued as this has damaged confidence in public transport.


5i. KPIs

The Board agreed to the development of scorecard for the Board to provide oversight of key services and to provide assurance that the company is being appropriately administered. It should include areas around the workforce and cultural issues.

Action: JM to draft KPI options for a Board scorecard for September’s Board.


5j. Papers to note

The Board noted papers and reports on asset ownership; the Internal Audit Annual Report for 2019-20; spend on infrastructure projects; Fflecsi bus; and gender pay.


5k. Any Other Business

Submission of tenders for the Heads of Valleys A465 sections 5 & 6 scheme have been delayed to 27 July. Tender queries are currently being dealt with, with a plan for approval to proceed to take place in late August. The Board gave delegated authority to SLT to proceed.


The Chair thanked all for their input and appreciation of all the on-going work offered the Board’s support if required.

Next meeting – 17 September 2020.