Transport for Wales Board Meeting Minutes - 17 February 2022

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TfW Board minutes

17 February 2022

09:30 - 17:00

Venue - Llys Cadwyn and online



Scott Waddington (Chair); Heather Clash; Vernon Everitt; Sarah Howells; Nicola Kemmery; Alison Noon-Jones; and James Price.

In attendance: Natalie Feeley (items 1-3a); Leyton Powell (items 1a - 2c); and Jeremy Morgan. Operational update session (Part B): Lewis Brencher, Alexia Course, Karl Gilmore, Geoff Ogden, David O’Leary, Dan Tipper and Dave Williams. Chris Williams and Jeremy Whittaker joined for item 10.

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Part A - Full Board Meeting

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting

1a. Apologies for Absence

Alun Bowen; Sarah Howells for the Operational update session.


1b. Notice of Quorum

A quorum being present, the Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and declared the meeting open.


1c. Declarations of Interest

None declared.


1d. Minutes and Actions of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the TfW Board meeting 20 January 2022 were approved as a true and accurate record.

The actions log was noted.


1e. Safety Moment

A severe weather warning for parts of South Wales has been issued with the likelihood of many, if not all services, being cancelled. The Board were informed of a significant obstruction on the line last night with a trampoline being blown onto the nose of a mainline train.


1f. Customer moment

A train ticket retailer was contacted by web-chat with an automated response stating that the customer would be contacted within two hours. By the time a response was forthcoming, the service was closed for the evening. In the morning, the chat was closed because no response from the customer had been made for half an hour. Examples of these frustrations need to be kept in mind to ensure TfW maintains its customer focussed approach.


2. Safety performance

Leyton Powell joined the meeting.


There were a couple of minor injuries for TfW Group. Office risk assessments are being carried out in response to Wales moving to Alert Level Zero. A working group has been established to review working arrangements and a return to the workplace across the businesses. The Visible Felt Leadership programme will now be reinstated.

There has been a much improved performance across TfW Rail, with the combined Fatality Weighted Index score for the previous period standing at 0.13, lower than the prediction of 0.18 and an improvement on previous period of 0.20. However, the Workforce Physical Assaults incidents moving annual average was seven which remains above the predicted figure of five. There were five reported physical assaults involving conductors, station and security staff. BTP has been engaged in these incidents and meetings held to develop further training and awareness on conflict avoidance and management. There was one Signal Passed at Danger and one dispatch irregularity.

There was one infrastructure related accident reported during period. A member of staff cut their hand on a stationary chainsaw blade during tree removal duties. This did not result in lost time. The Board emphasised the need to ensure that SME sub-contractors are working to TfWs safety standards through AIW. The Board agreed with this issue being the topic of an assurance review.

Pullman reported a reduced number of incidents with no lost time events. A revamped safety plan has been developed and will be rolled out with training.

Leyton Powell left the meeting.


3. Strategic update

3a. CEO report

Delivery continues at a fast pace across the whole business, with progress being made in several key strategic areas including CVL transformation, entry into service plans, strategic financial planning with the Welsh Government, and stabilising daily delivery of the rail service as the recovery from Covid related absences continues. Work continues to reset the operating model as changes of the last 12- 18 months are consolidated.

With the introduction of emergency rail timetables the latest set of dashboards is showing an improving service trend. This KPIs demonstrate the importance of not over stretching service delivery against staff and rolling stock availability. The latest gate line data shows average footfall being at around 70% of pre-covid figures with a clear upward trend still visible. Facemask wearing is still required. The Board noted that CVL Passenger Time Lost figures are still not performing to plan, which is mainly attributable to the effects of the Adam St bridge repairs.


The Board were updated on a recent meeting of the full Executive team which agreed a set of principles on which to base the target operating model, identify cost savings, efficiencies and synergies, and develop clearer accountabilities. The meeting identified a high degree of alignment around the principles of building ‘one organisation’ and doing things once and well. The meeting also considered what a multi modal system operator and designer looks like for TfW.


The Board noted that the Welsh Government has recently approved the acquisition of PTI Cymru.


3b. Finance and governance

Activity is focussed on close of financial year with the Welsh Government requesting a trial balance within a few days of year end. This will include TfW Rail Limited.

The Board were updated on other key activities including rolling stock planning, CVL programme, business planning and budgeting, Pullman, updating the Articles of Association, rail pension valuation, and the outturn position for 2021-22.

The Board noted that the strategic review model is fully taken into ownership by TfW Rail finance team which will replace the original bid model.


Active travel grant payments for quarter three were at running behind profile and the Board noted the considerable increase required for quarter four to accrue for the balance. Local authority Section 151 Officers are being asked to prepare a statement to ensure that spend in this area is properly accounted for. Work is underway to identify methods to help local authorities deliver projects more uniformly in future years.


The Board noted the finance report and January’s management accounts.

Natalie Feeley left the meeting.


Sarah Howells left the meeting.


Part B - Operational update session

Lewis Brencher, Alexia Course, Karl Gilmore, Geoff Ogden, David O’Leary, Dan Tipper and Dave Williams joined the meeting.  



5. National Transport Delivery Plan

The Board were updated on progress with supporting the development of the Welsh Government’s National Transport Development Plan.


6. Communications and engagement

This was a much improved period in terms of all the key indicators across communications and engagement including improved brand impression, a reduction in media enquiries and associated negative coverage, a reduction in corporate correspondence and contact from elected representatives, and an increase in proactive engagement across all channels. This coincided with improvement in operational performance, as well as the delivery of a number of high profile stories. Development of plans for demand recovery will align with delivery of several activities to coincide with the possible removal of covid restrictions and restoration of the full rail timetable at the end of March. The Board were keen to progress the demand recovery activities and to be able to measure the success of the campaign and to ensure that messaging includes a return to full services when applicable.



8. Infrastructure projects six-month look-ahead

The Board noted the infrastructure projects six-month look-ahead profile.

Karl Gilmore left the meeting.


9. Bus

The Board were introduced to the draft Bws Cymru document which sets out Welsh Government’s ambition to create a bus system with passengers as its focus, hinged around four pillars of delivering together, better integrated, buses for everyone, and fit for the future.  The Board noted the outline content of the document and welcomed the clarity around TfW’s role in working with the Welsh Government in delivering Bws Cymru projects, developing the new model for planning and delivery of regular, affordable, reliable services and along several other activities.


10. Retailing principles

Chris Williams and Jeremy Whitaker joined the meeting to take part in a discussion on TfW’s approach to retailing based around the key principles of all decisions will be based on data and supported by customer insights; the network is not homogeneous and neither are the markets TfW serves; product segmentation clearly defines the products offered to allow consistent specification, delivery and monitoring; and many customer trends are the result of established long-run behavioural changes within the industry, but also outside.

Following a detailed discussion covering segmentation, key retail trends, ticketing - including use of the app, pay-as-you-go, ticket offices, fares structure, and communications, it was agreed to develop a new retail strategy, organise a workshop to facilitate further discussion and reporting on progress.

Jeremy Whittaker and Chris Williams left the meeting.


11. Corporate Strategy

The Board approved the final draft of the five-year Corporate Strategy and were updated in the next steps for Welsh Government approval and publication.


11. Risk Register

Leyton Powell joined the meeting and summarised minor changes to the strategic risk register.

The Board noted the risk register

Leyton Powell left the meeting.


12. AOB

The Board were notified that TfW’s  acquisition of PTI Cymru was approved last week. Work will now commence on delivering integration.

Vernon Everitt left the meeting


13. Update on subsidiary boards

The Board were updated on TfW Rail Ltd’s previous Board meeting which focussed on performance, pay strategy, and fleet strategy.

The Board noted an update on Pullman Rail Ltd with a focus on health and safety, additional requirements of the Canton depot and the 2022-23 budget.


14. Update on sub-committees

Karl Gilmore has joined the People Committee. The previous meeting of the committee discussed the pay award, HR metrics, offers to graduates and apprentices, and supporting people returning to the office. The Board agreed that absence figures required some in-depth analysis, particularly how much is attributable to mental health and sickness [Action Lisa Yates].

The previous meeting of the Remuneration Committee discussed executive pay, executive performance review and market evaluation.


15. Steering Board

The Board were updated on the recent meeting of the TfW Steering Board which covered TfW’s budget, underspend, the Strategic Road Network and FIT programme, the Taylor Review, KPIs, bus, and the National Transport Development Plan.


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and contributions.