Transport for Wales Board Meeting Minutes - 20 June 2024

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TfW Board minutes

20 June 2024

10:00 - 17:00

Venue - Wrexham and Teams



Scott Waddington (Chair), Alun Bowen, Heather Clash, Vernon Everitt, Sarah Howells, Nicola Kemmery, Alison Noon-Jones and James Price.


In attendance:

Peter McDonald (Welsh Government), Jeremy Morgan, Alan McCarthy and Gareth Pembridge (Observer, items 1 to 11).

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


1a. Apologies for Absence

Andrew Morgan gave his apologies.


1b. Notice of Quorum

A quorum being present, the Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and declared it open.


1c. Declarations of Interest



1d. Minutes and Actions of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the TfW Board meeting 16 May 2024 were approved as a true and accurate record. The Actions Log was noted.


1e. Safety Moment

The Board reflected on recent evidence given by Boeing’s Chief Executive to the US Congress stating that recent issues affecting 737 Max airplanes had come from an "untrained workforce" and blamed layoffs and worker turnover that “plagued the industry after Covid” which “contributed to manufacturing issues at the company.” The Board discussed the need to carefully manage periods of significant change.


1f. Customer moment

The recent loss of a debit card resulted in a new one being issued and being setting up simply by putting it next to a mobile phone. The Board discussed whether similar technology could be used for the TfW app.


2. Safety

The Board received and noted an overview of the Health, Safety and Resilience report contained in the pack.

The Board were updated on:

  • Review of the electronic Safety Management System including stakeholder feedback.
  • Ongoing pre-planned safety tests in collaboration with bus operators for the Cardiff Bus Interchange.
  • The significant increase in workforce assaults, mainly verbal. Conflict management training has been rolled out.
  • A structured business resilience debrief following an IT outage affecting several TfW functions.
  • Key performance indicators across Pullman Rail, infrastructure and CVL transformation. Cable thefts continue to be an issue. Discussions have taken place with BTP who have taken action in an effort to close the market.


3. Strategic risk management

The Risk Management Policy has been reviewed and updated to ensure it remains up to date, in line with good practice and the organisation’s risk management governance arrangements. Approval is being sought from the Audit and Risk Committee.

There were no significant changes from the main risks reported the previous month.

Leyton Powell left the meeting.


4. CEO report and update

The Board received an overview of the Chief Executive Officer’s report:

  • There is a risk that the Porth Interchange not being open in time for this summer’s Eisteddfod. James Price will update RCT CBC [Action].
  • Rail operational performance has continued to hold its improved picture with good PTL performance and an increasing number of three to five car services on heavily utilised routes. MKIVs are now mainly operating in four or five car formations and are generally better functioning.
  • Work on the regional transport planning continues with an understanding of the need to be making evidence-based decisions and to seize the opportunity for joined up and integrated planning.
  • Recent meetings with the Cabinet Secretary focussed on the need to communicate the positive benefits of investment through TfW; the North Wales Metro; the on going need to tackle ticketless travel and lost revenue; the concept of a ‘social contract’ with customers; the need to enhance alignment across the public sector and business to maximise investment; and operational rail performance.
  • The last period rail period saw good performance across the network, but with some setbacks during the current period, mainly on the CVL due to timetable uplifts. The Board were informed that there were infrastructure issues between AIW and Network Rail which took more than two days to resolve. The Board noted that planned Class 756 testing did not take place which has set back entry into service by a month. WCB performance continues to be good, although there have been more than expected two-car services. Technical issues on Class 231 units have affected performance but are being fixed under warranty. The Board discussed the need for a ‘reset’ around capital projects, design and entry into service [Action James Price].
  • A meeting next week with CAF's CEO to push tor Class 197 units at a greater pace and to otter help where possible.
  • Progress continues around the bus agenda including a useful session with the Cabinet Secretary which will be followed up by further discussions.
  • John Worthington started as Ttw Delivery Director this week with a focussing on the completion of several projects, but particularly Tatts Well Depot and North Wales wheel lathe.

The Board were also updated on Cardiff Interchange opening; lessons learned from the recent single point of failure IT outage; a recent team building event with TfL REDACTED.


5. Finance

The Board noted the management accounts tor May 2024. REDACTED.


The Board noted that a letter of comfort has been received from the Welsh Government.

On the back of a recommendation from the Audit and Risk Committee, the Board approved the Annual Report and Accounts tor 2023/24.

Alan McCarthy left the meeting.


6. ARC memo

The Board noted a memorandum from the Audit and Risk Committee chair summarising activity at the Audit and Risk Committee to be held on 21 June 2024; and a review of the Committee's compliance with its terms of reference tor the year ended 31 March 2024.


7. Subsidiary board meetings

The Board were updated on recent meetings of the Ttw Fibre and Ttw Rail boards.


8. Sub-committees

The Board were updated on the recent meetings of the Major Projects, Customer Experience and Communications, T-network and People committees. It was agreed to circulate papers on culture change and rail degree apprenticeships [Action Jeremy Morgan].


9. Steering Board

The recent meeting of the Steering Board focussed on CAF, rail performance, CVL, KPls, CEO report, bus, budget and OLR.


10. Cabinet Secretary

The Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport joined the meeting.

The Cabinet Secretary discussed positive trends on current rail operational performance in the light of timetable changes and stated there is a great deal to be optimistic about. The Board were updated on the Cabinet Secretary’s thinking around interaction with UK Ministers; full integration on a national scale; rail performance; promoting transport as an enabler; and public transport as the third public service.

The Board and the Cabinet Secretary also discussed the importance of train cleanliness - often seen as the first thing customers make judgment on in relation to quality of service; the North Wales Metro; and the case for reformed governance for rail in Wales.

The Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport left the meeting.


11. CVL

Dan Tipper joined the meeting.

The last month saw the successful energisation of the Treherbert line as well as ORR authorisation of both the Treherbert OLE system and the platform extensions on Aberdare and City Line stations. Although several infrastructure authorisation processes are due for completion in the year, this marks a significant milestone with the completion of all major infrastructure works on the TAM side of the network. The Board expressed is thanks for completion of this milestone.

Taffs Well depot works continue to support handover to TfWRL. Completion of the initial handover has moved to early July 2024. The programme aligns to the requirements around Class 398 introduction.

On Class 756 introduction, the Driver Training Pilot course is due to commence week commencing 17 June in line with the programme. Unfortunately, the critical EMC testing was impacted by Network Rail's requirement to take late notice emergency possessions on two consecutive nights to resolve technical issues that impacted passenger service, which have set back the entry into service programme.

Dan Tipper and Gareth Pembridge left the meeting.


12. Confidential session



There being no further business, the Chair thanked all attendees for their contributions and closed the meeting.