Transport for Wales Board Meeting Minutes - 20 October 2022

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TfW Board minutes

20 October 2022

09:30 - 17:00

Venue - Llys Cadwyn and online



Scott Waddington (Chair), Alun Bowen, Heather Clash, Vernon Everitt, Sarah Howells, Alison Noon-Jones and James Price.

In attendance: Jeremy Morgan; Leyton Powell (item 2); and Natalie Feely (items 1 to 3).


Part A - Full Board Meeting

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


1a. Apologies for Absence

Nicola Kemmery.


1b. Notice of Quorum

A quorum being present, the Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and declared the meeting open.


1c. Declarations of Interest



1d. Minutes and Actions of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the TfW Board meeting 22 September 2022 were approved as a true and accurate record. The actions log was noted. The Board noted that James Price is no longer seconded to TfW from the Welsh Government and is a TfW employee.


1e. Safety Moment

Monday was World Mental Health Day. This was an opportunity to make a point of asking team members about their welfare which brought out some concerns and very worthwhile conversations.


1f. Customer moment

A train service into Cardiff Queen St was running a few minutes late but the conductor explained that this was due to freight train issues and the likely impact of the delay. This was good customer communication.


2. Safety performance

Leyton Powell joined the meeting.

Work has continued with the Audit and Assurance team, the EDI team and Psychology works to finalise the mentalhealth survey and audit which is now live This is an integrated ‘one-TfW’ approach which is designed to review cross business, policies and procedures for health and wellbeing. The Board welcomed the initiative and noted that the output will support the development of an updated integrated health and wellbeing strategy.

There has been an increase in Signals Passed at Danger during 2022 compared to 2021. The Board were informed that SPADS have occurred across all demographics of the driver population. The Safety team have fully reviewed and strengthened tools with operational teams and commissioned the RSSB to provide an independent opinion on driver competence and SPaD management to identify areas for improvement.

The Board noted an increase in trespass events and criminal activity across the network. Teams continue to work closely with BTP and local police services to be proactive and reactive to instances. One incident involved the theft of 21 tonnes of rail from Pontypridd goods yard at the beginning of September. A joint TfW, AIW and BTP security forum has been started with the first meeting having recently taken place. To improve asset protection AIW have uplifted their security providers who have mobile capability and closer liaison with BTP.

Rail safety performance against targets remains consistently improved on the majority of KPI’s with a combined fatality weighted index score of 0.11 which is lower than the predicted 0.17. The workforce fatality weighted index remains consistent this period (0.03) with the MMA of 0.05 remaining lower than the predicted figure of 0.07. There 
was a decrease in the number of workforce events with 20 reported (lower than predicted figures). There was also a decrease in non-workforce injuries with 23 reported compared to 30 in the previous period, but still above the predicted figure of 15.54. There were seven reported physical assaults.

The Board were also updated on CVL Transformation and Pullman Rail.

Leyton Powell left the meeting.


3. Strategic update

3a. CEO report

The Board discussed the recent positive meeting between the Chair and the Deputy Minister for Climate Change and plans for future quarterly meetings. The Chief Executive also briefed the Board on a recent meeting with the Deputy Minister, the Chair and Welsh Government officials on the CVL Transformation project.


The Board were also informed that the Chair and Deputy Minister also discussed active travel and the need for it to be higher up on local authority agendas. It was recognised that active travel is remitted to local authorities, but TfW can provide a strategic leadership role. The Board agreed it would benefit from understanding the approach or action plan for managing local authority performance in terms of grants [Action Geoff Ogden].

The Board noted that Deputy Minister also welcomed TfW’s work on behaviour change and acknowledged that this needs to be mainstreamed and worked into everything from planning interventions through to their delivery and operation.

The Board were also informed that further conversations had taken place with the Deputy Minister regarding TfW’s potential role on regarding the strategic road network. James Price has agreed for further dialogue with the Deputy Minister regarding TfW’s likely approach.

The Board were updated on rail service delivery, rail fleet reliability, bus, rail passenger revenue and TfW Rail pay.


3b. Finance and governance

The Board were updated on key finance and governance activities over the last period. The Board were informed that discussions continue regarding revenue funding gap challenges which have been discussed with the Deputy Minister and at the TfW Steering Board.


Work has started on developing the budget and business plan for 2023-24. The draft 2023-24 budget will be presented at the December’s meeting.


The Board noted the Management Accounts for September 2022-23.

The Board welcomed the development of line of route financial analysis which provides a basis for understanding what is driving costs, the costliest routes which will help to make informed decisions. It was agreed that the Board would have a dedicated session on this at its next meeting [Action Heather Clash]

Natalie Feeley left the meeting.


6. Subsidiary Boards

The recent TfW Rail Ltd board discussed performance metrics, risk, commercial issues, the medium-term financial review, a business case for additional works at Barry Depot; Cl158 lease extension and the December 2023 timetable.

The Board were also updated on Pullman Rail Ltd which is currently benefitting from a healthy order book.


6. Steering Board

The recent TfW Steering Board meeting discussed relationship with the Welsh Government, TfW’s budget; bus, fairer fares, CVL, rail fare increases, and coaches for special events.


7. Confidential

The Board discussed two confidential items.


Part B - Operational update session

Nicola Kemmery, Alexia Course, Geoff Ogden and Dan Tipper joined the meeting.


8. Sustainable Development Plan

Alana Smith joined the meeting. The Board were introduced to the update Sustainable Development Plan. The Board welcomed the plan report and provided with several suggested changes including the need to have it globally aligned with relevant legislation and an internal action plan for delivery.

Alana Smith left the meeting.


9. Project Cyfuno update

The Board were updated on Project Cyfuno which centres around developing the working relationship between TfW and Network Rail. The noted and welcomed progress to date which demonstrates leadership and a framework that all other regions can learn from.


10. Rolling Stock update

The Board were updated on progress with the new train delivery programme: 

  • The FLIRT Class 231 programme is currently being delivered to plan with major depot improvement challenges successfully mitigated to date. Entry into service is planned for January 2023. 
  • The FLIRT Class 756 programme is likewise currently being delivered to plan with major Infrastructure delay challenges successfully mitigated to date. Entry into service is planned for quarte 1, 2025. 
  • The CityLink Class 398 programme is currently being delivered to an agreed revised plan with Infrastructure delay challenges successfully mitigated to date. REDACTED
  • The CAF Class 197’s programme is currently delayed by nine months due to technical and quality issues with the Units and gauging work delays on the network. REDACTED
  • Recent technical and safety issues have been overcome on the Class 230 fleet. The programme is currently being implemented to deliver a soft launch into service for the December 2022 timetable.

Alexia Course left the meeting.


11. TfWIS Business Plan for 22-23

The Board were introduced to the Transport for Wales Innovation Services Ltd draft Business Plan for 2023-24. The Board were informed that it has been more challenging to find a pipeline of work this year work continues on a number of fronts. Work continues to develop a Communications plan across TfW with a view to enhancing engagement with the joint venture. The Board also noted that an Innovation Steering Group is being established which includes representation from Keolis and Amey and from the TfW Innovation Labs.

The Board were keen to see a demonstration of the return on investment in the joint venture.

The Board approved the business plan for 2023-24 and to issue a remit letter.


12. CVL transformation update

The Board were updated on key performance and risks for the CVL Transformation programme. Good progress has been made on working with statutory utilities to enable a more efficient process for diversions.

Good progress has also been made on design and construction, with design continuing at a good pace which will need to be maintained.

The appreciated Board expressed its appreciation for a recent visit to the Taffs Well depot. The Board recommended that senior Welsh Government officials are invited to visit the Taffs Well depot and the current network [Action Jeremy Morgan].


13. CVL transformation Six-month lookahead

The Board were introduced to the key contracts to be let over the next period. The Board noted the infrastructure projects six-month look-ahead profile.

Dan Tipper left the meeting


14. Risk register

Leyton Powell joined the meeting.

The Board reviewed the current strategic risk register and noted some minor changes resulting from the implementation of the target operating model.

The Board discussed future supply issues and asked if the UK Government was carrying out any work in this area [Action Alexia Course].

The Board also discussed assurance around European Funding requirements. The Board were informed that regular EFAT audits are carried and tabled at the Audit and Risk Committee.

The Risk Register was noted.


The Chair brought meeting to an end and thanked everyone for their contributions.