Transport for Wales Board Meeting Minutes - 21 July 2022

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TfW Board minutes

21 July 2022

09:30 - 17:00

Venue - Llys Cadwyn and online



Scott Waddington (Chair), Heather Clash, Vernon Everitt, Nicola Kemmery, Alison Noon-Jones, and James Price.

In attendance: Jeremy Morgan; Leyton Powell (item 2); and Natalie Feely (items 1 to 3).


Part A - Full Board Meeting

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


1a. Apologies for Absence

Sarah Howells.


1b. Notice of Quorum

A quorum being present, the Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and declared the meeting open.


1c. Declarations of Interest

None declared.


1d. Minutes and Actions of Previous Meeting

The minutes of the TfW Board meeting 23 June 2022 were approved as a true and accurate record. The actions log was noted.


1e. Safety Moment

The Board discussed the current warm weather conditions, the impact on resilience of infrastructure and the need to 
ensure climate change resilience plans are reviewed and updated.


1f. Customer moment

The Board discussed a recent airport experience and customer service lessons that could be applied to TfW.


2. Safety performance

Leyton Powell joined the meeting.

The Board were updated on recent activity including support for Pullman Rail, development of a new Incident Care Team Policy and TfW’s attendance at the UK Rail metal crime group and assurance reviews.

Safety performance has been reasonable, but the Board was alerted to five of eleven close calls reported by Chester depot involving sharps/needles on trains. The Board were assured that there have been some positive interventions made including sharps training for staff. It was agreed to raise the issue with the British Transport Police (BTP) [Action Leyton Powell].

Performance within Operations was good against the fatality weighted index, but assaults remain high, with 13 reported during the period. It was agreed to look at good practice from around the UK [Action Leyton Powell].

There was one RIDDOR reported incident during the period resulting from a member of the security team tripping over and fracturing their elbow when going to intervene in a fight/assault between two members of the public.


The Board were also updated on safety performance on infrastructure, CVL Transformation, and Pullman Rail.

Leyton Powell left the meeting.


3. Strategic update

3a. CEO report


The Board were informed of a two-pronged set of priorities for Rail Operations. First, to ensure a gradual improvement in service performance wherever possible; and second, planning in detail for the future to provide a trajectory of improved performance and to manage the risk of over-stretching as the CAF and Stadler fleets as new timetables are introduced.

Passenger demand continues to demonstrate underlying growth with an estimated 2.3% period-on-period increase in passenger journeys once the impact of the industrial action has been factored out. The Board noted that an agreement with Network Rail has been reached for hourly Core Valley Line services during the next strike period.

The Board were informed that as part of trying to mitigate the level of crowding linked to events and hot weather, a programme delivery team has been set up to examine the merits of a parallel set of product offerings around coach travel for both major events and for longer distance crowded services.


The Board were updated on CVL design output and build, both of which have made good progress over the last month.

The Board were also updated on bus, where work continues around preparation for franchising; and active travel, where a multi partner approach to deliver the radical change that may be needed.

Detailed work continues around exploiting the CVL fibre network for commercial purposes, in recognition of the fact that the current proposal is for TfW to design and operate the network and detailed work is required to determine viability. It was agreed to approach TfL who laid fibre in the London Underground network [Action Vernon Everitt to provide contact details].


3b. Finance and governance

The Board were updated on key finance activities during the last period including:

  • TfW and TfW Rail Ltd 2021-22 accounts have been finalised.
  • Review of Pullman finance systems, development of the team and reporting on specific focus areas.
  • Budgeting and forecasting to align with the target operating model.


The Board noted the KPI scorecard but requested a broader range of indicators linked to the new operating model. Suggestions were made on metrics around finance, people, operational performance, customer, safety, and project delivery [Action Jeremy Morgan].

The Board noted June’s management accounts and financial report.

Natalie Feeley left the meeting.


5. Sub-committees

The previous Health, Safety and Well-being Committee covered current performance and issues, contractor engagement with CVL, and learning from a recent HSE visit. The Committee also reviewed its remit, with the TfW Rail Ltd Safety Committee becoming more operational. Peter Strachan would be invited to attend the TfW Health, Safety and Well-being Committee, with Vernon Everitt attending on a voluntary basis only.

The recent Major Projects Committee reviewed CVL Infrastructure Management including AIW performance, Cardiff interchange, CVL fibre; CVL Transformation, St Clears station, and GCRE.


6. Subsidiary Boards

The Board were updated on the recent TfW Rail Board meeting which focussed on performance, finance analysis by line of route, timetable changes, rolling stock availability and TfW Rail Ltd pay negotiations.

The Board approved a Written Resolution that Article 11(2) of the existing articles of association of Transport for Wales Rail Limited be amended accordingly to increase the quorum for directors’ meetings from never being less than two to never being less than four, and unless otherwise fixed as four; and that the wording of article 11(2) therefore be amended to read: ‘The quorum for directors’ meetings may be fixed from time to time by a decision of the directors, but it must never be less than four, and unless otherwise fixed it is four’.


Part B - Operational update session 

Dan Tipper and Geoff Ogden joined the meeting.


7. Sustainable Development update

Natalie Rees joined the meeting to provide an overview of the Sustainable Development Annual Update outlining TfW case studies of good practice based on the well-being goals. The Board welcomed the positive content of the report and requested that the good practice is well publicised throughout the organisation [Action Natalie Rees].


8. Communications

Lewis Brencher joined the meeting to provide an update on key communications and engagement activity over the last month. The last month was a challenging period as a result of the RMT and NR industrial action, having the tail end of impact at the start of the period. The delivery of campaigns, engagement activity media and government conversations continue to be dominated by these issues. Broadly speaking there was little specific criticism of TfW in terms of how the industrial action was managed, but there was a sizeable impact on the perception of the industry overall which has impacted TfW’s brand impression.

The latest round of stakeholder and community engagement activities has continued to be valuable, generating useful feedback, but a review of the format of several panels and activities in light of the opportunity to deliver them in person will be undertaken. Wider plans are being developed in terms of brand building and development, community engagement and behaviour change.

The showcase of class 197 units was positively received by stakeholders and local media, and the coming months present lots of further opportunities to continue to celebrate progress on the delivery of our programme of transformation.

The ‘Real Social Network’ campaign continues, with majority focus on owned channels which is further supporting the continued growth in visits to our website.


9. CVL Transformation

The Board noted progress being made on CVL Transformation and were updates on safety, design, construction, and integration. There has been a satisfactory recovery on design performance since April 2022.

Due to the impact of design performance as well as a number of external influences a recovery plan has been put in place across a number of construction disciplines. The general performance of the programme aligns to the required volume of delivery. However, indicated threats against five critical path items through the programme are currently subject to special measures to mitigate.


The Board asked about the quantity of track laid and whether climate change should influence the track specification. It was agreed to receive an update at a future meeting [Action Dan Tipper].


10. Infrastructure projects six-month look-ahead

The Board noted the infrastructure projects six-month look-ahead profile.

Dan Tipper left the meeting.


11. Strategic Risk Register

Leyton Powell joined the meeting. Active Risk Manager (ARM) alerts were switched on in June as part of strengthening TfW's first Line of Defence in managing its threats and opportunities. To assist with the monitoring and audit of colleagues using the system, an ARM user management report is being developed which will support the risk governance of the system.

As part of TfW's Risk Management Policy and Strategy an Enterprise Risk Management Procedure is being developed setting out TfW's organisation wide approach to Risk Management. The Procedure includes risk management principles and process; accountabilities and responsibilities; and glossary of terms.

It was agreed that risk appetite statements should be reviewed annually [Action Leyton Powell].

The Board noted the Strategic Risk Register.

Leyton Powell left the meeting.


12. Bus update

Lee Robinson joined the meeting to provide an outline of analysis of bus network proposals for North Wales. The Board welcomed the approach to network planning which needs to be utilised to inform franchising.

The Board were updated on the work of the North Wales Transport Commission which has met three times, focussing on data and active travel. The next meeting will focus on bus and freight.

Lee Robinson left the meeting.


13. North Wales accommodation

The Board gave delegated authority to the Executive to make a decision on a lease for North Wales office accommodation at the conclusion of the due diligence exercise.


14. Pullman Board

The Board noted the work of the Pullman Rail Board.


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and contributions.