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Transport for Wales Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Objectives 2020-2021

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

1. To improve the recruitment, retention, progression, development and experience of the people employed by TfW to enable the organisation to become an inclusive employer of choice.


- To develop a Learning and Development strategy which promotes Equality, Diversity and Inclusion across the whole of TfW regardless of those who may or may not be affected by a protected characteristic

- To deliver an open in-house training and development programme to all TfW employees. This would be available to colleagues and based on the objectives set by line managers to reflect colleague development needs.

- Continue to limit the impact of unconscious bias in our recruitment practices through the continued use of blind sifting for all internal and external recruitment.

- Continue to advertise all posts externally and use social media to raise awareness of our vacancies to candidates from under-represented groups. We'll work collaboratively with the Communications team to understand how we can better reach candidates from these groups

- To design and deliver a school ‘educate’ the educators’ programme to influence choices made by young girls in school with an aim to steer them towards a career in transport.

Success Criteria

- To establish a pay and performance model which supports reducing the gender pay differential and working towards pay parity

- To develop a talent management approach which delivers a 50/50 gender split at Senior Leadership and grades 1 and 2a, whilst paying regard to the other protected characteristics.

- To have no equal pay claims.


2. To improve representation within the transport sector of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, female, LGBTQ+, disabled staff and employees with parental responsibilities


- Increase the opportunity and awareness for flexible working and part time working arrangements by positively promoting our flexible working policy, considering job sharing and other flexible contract types.

- Engage in outreach programmes and Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (SMET) events in hard to reach and socio-economically disadvantaged communities

- Offer development opportunities, such as shadowing senior leaders and future senior leaders, targeting groups that are under- represented in our workforce.

- To seek external review, challenge and accreditation of TfW’s actions as an employer by actively participating with relevant equalities standards and benchmarks (e.g. the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index, the Disability Confident Standard, the Workplace Wellbeing Charter, etc.) (2018/19 and 2019/20)

Success Criteria

- To have a clear and published events calendar which promotes organisational activities which celebrate all protected characteristics

- Improved representation of under-represented groups across grades and roles, including within the Senior Management structure.

- Accreditation from external body in recognition of equality, diversity and inclusion focus by TfW, specifically Stonewall Equality Index.

- Evidence in policy amendments that disability support will include all areas of disability including mental health, neurodiversity and dyslexia which may not be reported upon by employees.

3. To have a leadership plan and all leaders in the organisation to lead and motivate teams and demonstrate commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion


- Training and masterclasses run for the business to including diversity and inclusion and the promotion of the Welsh language.

- Continue to increase awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion through communications and training sessions run by equality, diversity and inclusion specialists. - Ensure that all new employees undertake equality training and all managers undertake training in unconscious bias. - Promote knowledge and understanding of the general duties and specific duties in accordance with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). This would be delivered to all members of the Senior Leadership Team and the Board in a training session and would subsequently be cascaded to relevant senior managers and policy decision makers in due course

Success Criteria

- Appointment and training of five Fairness, Inclusion and Respect (FIR) Ambassadors in TfW – to drive fairness, inclusion and respect in the workplace and with our suppliers.

- Under the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED), to implement and report employment information annually and present it under each of the protected characteristics

- To produce an interim report on options for the development of improved arrangements for monitoring by reference to protected characteristics across TfW

4. To review the equality impact of key organisational policies

Review the equality impact of key organisational policies in areas such as: recruitment and selection, learning and development, supporting attendance at work, respect at work (anti-bullying and harassment); talent management; Annual Performance Review, disciplinary, grievance and job evaluation (2020/21).


- To ensure that the experience of TfW staff, as measured via the staff survey and other relevant staff feedback mechanisms, is analysed for variations based upon protected characteristics and for improvement actions to be taken

- To improve the capability of TfW staff and others to understand and address the legal obligations under the Public Sector Equality Duty by providing the relevant training to the necessary senior teams.

- To ensure that the general equality duty is complied with before and at the time a policy is under consideration and evidence this in keeping records of the considerations made.

- To respond fairly and equally to the priorities identified by the Welsh Government in relation to addressing the national strategy of “Prosperity for All”. Specifically focussing on the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 and the Gender Reform Review.

Success Criteria

- Successful publication of policies demonstrating compliance with the general equality duty.

- 50% of Talent Management 9 box grid A1, A2 and 1 are populated with colleagues who identify with one of the protected characteristics