Guide to social media and engagement


To accompany the key messages, and to support people to change their travel behaviours, we want to promote the actions that local authorities are taking to promote walking, wheeling and cycling.

In this resource you will find suggested media template and ideas to help promote the key messages and activities for walking, wheeling and cycling.

Please remember to tailor these suggestions to your own local authority.


Suggested social media image captions

This section shows examples of words/sentences to promote active travel within an image.


English Cymraeg
We’re helping people walk more. Rydyn ni’n helpu pobl i gerdded mwy.
We’re helping people cycle more. Rydyn ni’n helpu pobl i feicio mwy.
We’re helping people travel sustainably. Rydyn ni’n helpu pobl i deithio’n gynaliadwy.
We’re helping people look after their health and wellbeing.  Rydyn ni’n helpu pobl i ofalu am eu hiechyd a’u lles.
We’re helping people leave the car when it’s not too far. Rydyn ni’n helpu pobl i adael y car pan nad yw’n rhy bell.
We’re helping people choose cleaner and greener travel. Rydyn ni’n helpu pobl i ddewis dulliau teithio glanach a gwyrddach.
We’re helping people build those pennies into pounds through active travel. Rydyn ni’n helpu pobl i droi’r ceiniogau hynny’n bunnoedd drwy deithio llesol.
Have your say. Dweud eich dweud.

How and when to use the above

  • Social media image captions are a good way to personalise and promote the key messaging of a social media post, and is recommended for platforms such as Facebook and Twitter (X).
  • They are also a good way to promote blogs, surveys and news articles.


Suggested key theme messaging accompanying images

This section shows the "status" of the social media post which highlights key messages you want to portray.


Environmental - Key messages

English Cymraeg
Walking, wheeling, cycling to school or work can help improve air quality. Gall cerdded, olwynio, beicio i’r ysgol neu i’r gwaith helpu i wella ansawdd yr aer.
We all need to do our bit to tackle climate change for us and our children. Walking, wheeling or cycling are great ways to reduce your carbon footprint. Mae angen i bob un ohonom wneud ein rhan i fynd i’r afael â newid yn yr hinsawdd er ein mwyn ni a’n plant. Mae cerdded, olwynio neu feicio yn ffyrdd gwych o leihau eich ôl-troed carbon.
We are making it easier to walk, wheel and cycle, so why not get active on your way to work or school? Rydyn ni’n ei gwneud hi’n haws cerdded, olwynio a beicio, felly beth am gadw’n heini ar eich ffordd i’r gwaith neu’r ysgol?
If you’re making a longer journey, using the train instead of the car uses 86% less CO2 on a 30-mile journey. Os ydych chi’n gwneud taith hirach, mae defnyddio’r trên yn lle’r car yn defnyddio 86% yn llai o CO2 ar daith 30 milltir.
Fewer cars on the road means safer roads and cleaner air Mae llai o geir ar y ffordd yn golygu ffyrdd mwy diogel ac aer glanach
Why not try leaving the car at home for shorter journeys? Beth am roi cynnig ar adael y car gartref ar deithiau byrrach?

Hashtags that could be used to accompany your key messages:



Time - Key messages

English Cymraeg
Skip the traffic by walking, wheeling or cycling on your work commute. Osgowch y traffig drwy gerdded, olwynio neu feicio ar eich taith i’r gwaith.
Skip the traffic by walking, wheeling or cycling on your school run. Osgowch y traffig drwy gerdded, olwynio neu feicio wrth fynd i’r ysgol.
No need to pay and display when travelling on foot. Dim angen talu ac arddangos wrth deithio ar droed.
Spend some quality time together by walking, wheeling or cycling to or from school. Treuliwch amser gwerth chweil gyda’ch gilydd drwy gerdded, olwynio neu feicio yn ôl ac ymlaen i’r ysgol.
Walking home from school gives you time to chat to your children about their day. Mae cerdded adref o’r ysgol yn rhoi amser i chi sgwrsio â’ch plant am eu diwrnod.
Discover more “me time” when walking, wheeling and cycling. Cewch fwy o “amser i fi” wrth gerdded, olwynio a beicio.

Hashtags that could be used to accompany your key messages:



Health - Key messages

English Cymraeg 
Regular walking, wheeling or cycling has been shown to reduce your risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and improves mental well-being. Dangoswyd bod cerdded, olwynio neu feicio rheolaidd yn lleihau eich risg o ganser, clefyd cardiofasgwlaidd, diabetes math 2, ac yn gwella lles meddyliol.
Walking, wheeling or cycling on your commute helps boost your energy, setting you up for the day. Mae cerdded, olwynio neu feicio wrth gymudo yn helpu i roi hwb i’ch egni, yn barod am y diwrnod.
Need to reach your step count? Walking to or from the bus or train is a great way of building physical activity into your daily routine. Angen cyrraedd eich cyfrif camau? Mae cerdded at y bws neu’r trên yn ffordd wych o gynnwys gweithgarwch corfforol yn eich trefn ddyddiol.
We are making it easier to walk, wheel and cycle, so why not get active on your way to work or school? Rydyn ni’n ei gwneud hi’n haws cerdded, olwynio a beicio, felly beth am gadw’n heini ar eich ffordd i’r gwaith neu’r ysgol?
Physical activity is a healthy choice, medically proven to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and even depression. Mae gweithgarwch corfforol yn ddewis iach, wedi’i brofi’n feddygol i leihau’r risg o glefydau cronig a hyd yn oed iselder.

Hashtags that could be used to accompany your key messages:



Engagement / campaigns

English Cymraeg
What are your reasons for travelling actively or taking public transport to work? Tell us about your journey. Beth yw eich rhesymau dros deithio’n llesol neu ddefnyddio trafnidiaeth gyhoeddus i’r gwaith? Dywedwch wrthym am eich siwrnai.
Do you walk, wheel or cycle or take public transport to work? We’d love to see pictures of your journey. Ydych chi’n cerdded, yn olwynio neu feicio neu’n mynd ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus i’r gwaith? Byddem wrth ein bodd yn gweld lluniau o’ch siwrnai.
Plan your next outing / commute by foot, bike or public transport on the Traveline Cymru website or app. Cynlluniwch eich trip / taith gymudo nesaf ar droed, beic neu drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus ar wefan neu ap Traveline Cymru.
Play along the way. Whether you're travelling with children, or you are a child at heart, why not play along the way when walking, wheeling or cycling. Beth am chwarae ar y ffordd. P’un a ydych chi’n teithio gyda phlant, neu’n dal yn blentyn eich hun wrth reddf, beth am chwarae ar y ffordd wrth fynd ar droed, ar olwynion neu ar feic.

Hashtags that could be used to accompany your key messages:


By tagging internal or external partners in your hashtags/tagging you can increase cross-party communications. For example, encouraging people to play along the way via active travel increases awareness of Play Work campaigns.