This active travel toolkit has been created in collaboration with local authorities to promote walking, wheeling and cycling in Wales.

These guides and resources have been designed to increase active travel in Wales. They help local authorities engage the communities they serve. We’ve highlighted effective campaigns to increase the number of purposeful active travel journeys.

This toolkit is designed to be useful and practical. We’ve undertaken and read existing research to ensure we’re promoting interventions that work. As policy, research and circumstances change, we’ll update this toolkit. We welcome the feedback of users and local authorities. We’ll integrate this feedback into future versions of this toolkit.


Guides to

Engaging young people to improve active travel

Engaging young people to improve active travel

This guide is intended to help local authorities engage more young people and engage them more effectively. This is with the aim to get more young people walking, wheeling and cycling everyday journeys.

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Social media and active travel

Social media and active travel

Social media is a great tool to increase take up of active travel. To help, we’ve put together these top tips for producing content.

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Getting people walking and wheeling

Getting people walking and wheeling

A guide to simple messaging and interventions that can help more people walk and wheel everyday journeys.

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Encouraging  cycling in Wales

Encouraging cycling in Wales

A guide to getting more people in Wales cycling. It highlights inclusive interventions and key messaging.

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Walking, wheeling and cycling to school

Walking, wheeling and cycling to school

Getting children and young people travelling actively to school  is great for their health and better for the environment. This guide collects a number of interventions that work.

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Walking,  wheeling and  cycling for the  over 60s

Walking, wheeling and cycling for the over 60s

Travelling long distances on foot or cycling can be more challenging for older people. This guide sets out how to engage this group effectively and ways that they can integrate active travel into their everyday lives.

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Delwedd yn dangos llawer o wahanol luniau mewn fformat collage | An image depicting lots of different photos in a collage format


We have a library of over 600 images of people walking, wheeling and cycling in Wales.

Local authorities can use these images to produce their own campaigns.

If you do not have an account, please email

Click here

Arwyddion dwyieithog glas mewn tref | Blue bilingual signs in a town

Case studies

We’re collecting case studies of campaigns and interventions that work.

We encourage local authorities to use these examples to inspire and inform their own campaigns.

Click here

A child pulling along thier parent on a walk


We’ve put together a set of  templates to help local authorities get their campaigns off the ground.

They include A4 posters, social media sharers, draft press releases and leaflets.

Click here

Woman on recumbant cycle / Menyw ar feic llorweddol

Events and dates

We've put together a list of active travel related events and dates to help with your promotional work.

Click here