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Wales and UK train timetables

Check our train timetables before you travel to avoid any surprises.

We’ll sometimes need to introduce new or temporary timetables when essential works are planned, or if any problems occur on the network. Please check before you travel for any changes to train times and connections with other train operators’ services.

You can stay up to date using our rail app, which provides live train times and keeps you informed for your latest journey.

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Timetable change from 15 December 2024

From Sunday 15 December our train timetables will be changing. The majority of our train services will be retimed, on some routes there will be a change in service frequency and some services will depart from different platforms. Don’t get caught out, check your journey plans before you travel.

Significant changes from Sunday 15 December

Significant timetable changes map 15 December 2024

Heart of Wales
Heart of Wales

Heart of Wales line services will be reduced to four services per day between Swansea and Shrewsbury in each direction (Monday - Saturday) and services retimed. The late evening Llanelli - Llandovery and Llandrindod – Shrewsbury services will be removed.

Cardiff - Swansea (Swanline)

Cardiff - Swansea local Swanline services will increase to an hourly service during peak times (Monday - Friday) with a later last service leaving Swansea at 23:30. Some of these services will use Platform 0 at Cardiff Central.

Cardiff - Bridgend - Maesteg

A later last service Cardiff - Maesteg service will be added (after 23:15 Monday - Saturday).

The hourly Cardiff - Swansea service will call additionally at Pontyclun, Llanharan and Pencoed resulting in two trains per hour on average at these stations (Monday - Saturday).

Maesteg services will run to and from Ebbw Vale via Cardiff Central instead of Cheltenham.

West Wales
Carmarthen - Milford Haven / Fishguard

Two additional services will run between Carmarthen and Milford Haven (Monday - Saturday).

Fishguard services will run to and from Carmarthen and will be retimed to even out services across the day (Monday - Saturday).

Some Carmarthen - Cardiff services, which duplicate GWR services, will be removed.

Early morning and late evening weekday and Sunday services west of Swansea will continue to be replaced by a bus due to Network Rail resignalling works.

Cambrian Line

The early morning Machynlleth - Barmouth return service will be removed (Monday - Saturday)
The evening 20:26 Pwllheli to Machynlleth and 21:47 Machynlleth to Pwllheli will be removed between December - March only.

The first Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth will now start from Welshpool (Monday - Saturday) 

Following the collision between two trains in October 2024, some quieter services on this line will be replaced with road transport until further notice.

Cardiff - Manchester services

There will be some changes to the calling patterns of some of the services along this route and many services have been significantly retimed.

Frequently asked questions about December timetable change.



Metro timetable changes

Timetables can also change due to metro transformation works across our network. Please visit our metro transformation work page for more information.

Metro transformation work


Refunds for timetable changes

If you’ve already purchased tickets for services affected by changes you’ll be able to use your tickets on alternative TfW rail services. Alternatively, you’ll be able to request a refund by visiting our refunds page.



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