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Model Publication Scheme

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Model Publication Scheme

This scheme lists the information that Transport for Wales makes available and provides details of how it can be accessed.

We've adopted the Model Publication Scheme prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner. You can find out more on the Information Commissioner Office’s website.

The guide to the Model Publication Scheme commits us to making certain information routinely available to the public. It also gives details of where charges may apply for providing the information.


Requesting paper copies

Paper copies of the information available on our website are available free of charge, provided the total copies don’t exceed 200 pages. Where paper copies exceed 200 pages for a single request or group of related requests, we may charge 5 pence per page, and postage in accordance with the Freedom of Information (FOI) charging regulations. We'll advise you of any charges in advance of supplying the information.

Paper copies or information listed without a hyperlink can be requested via the following ways:

We welcome telephone calls in Welsh and English. You can also write to us in either Welsh or English and we will respond in the language you have used. Corresponding in Welsh will not lead to a delay.

We will also make large print and audio tape copies of items available, on request, where practicable.



Unless otherwise stated: 

  • TfW holds the copyright for information contained within the publication scheme.
  • All material available through our website may be downloaded, copied or reproduced free of charge in any format or medium without requiring specific permission. This is subject to the material being reproduced accurately and not being used in a derogatory manner or in a misleading context. Where the material is being published or issued to others, the sources and copyright status should be acknowledged.

From time to time, the publications on our website may contain information which is subject to Crown copyright, such as; where we have reproduced information produced directly by a Crown body. Where this is the case, the publication will have included a copyright statement and users should observe this statement and act accordingly.

The Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office at The National Archives manages Crown copyright. For guidance notes on a range of copyright issues, visit the National Archives website.

TfW does not accept responsibility for material hosted on any external websites.  

If you're maintaining or developing a website, you do not have to ask permission to link directly to information hosted on our website. However, you must not link to information in a way that falsely implies or misrepresents:

  • a relationship with our organisation (any of the companies within the TfW Group – TfW, TfW Rail, TfW Innovation Services or Pullman Rail Ltd); 
  • an endorsement by our organisation, or
  • our organisation’s content as being published by anyone other than us.


Information that isn't already available

If you can't find what you're looking for through this scheme, or otherwise on this website, you may wish to make a request to TfW under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) using the email

More information about Freedom of Information can be found here.


1. Who we are and what we do

1.1 Roles and responsibilities

TfW is a not for profit group of companies, consisting of TfW, TfW Rail Limited, TfW Innovation Services Limited and Pullman Rail Limited.



Wholly owned by the Welsh Government, TfW is the Welsh Government’s expert adviser and advocate for transport related matters. We provide technical advice to allow the Welsh Government to develop policy.  Everything we do is discharged within the Welsh Government’s policy framework. TfW does not set policy, nor do we exercise any statutory functions ourselves.

Our purpose is to Keep Wales Moving safely by delivering customer focused services, expert advice and infrastructure investment.
TfW is fully accountable to the Welsh Ministers. The First Minister has allocated primary responsibility for the oversight of TfW to the Deputy Minister for Climate Change.

The Welsh Government’s TfW Sponsor Team facilitates sponsorship of TfW. The key focus for much of the sponsorship role is to support TfW in being an accountable, high-performing organisation, delivering value for money services as outlined in our business plan and supporting the Welsh Government in achieving its objectives. The strategy and activities of TfW are based on the contents of a Remit Letter from the Welsh Government which is reflected in TfW’s Corporate Plan and Annual business plan.

TfW’s activities are overseen by the Transport for Wales Board (the Board). The Board comprises both non-executive and executive directors. The Chair of TfW is accountable to the Deputy Minister for Climate Change.

The Board has six sub-committees which advise the Board on approvals; Audit and Risk; Major Projects; Health, Safety and Wellbeing; Customer and Communications; Remuneration and People. Each sub-committee is chaired by a non-executive Board member.


TfW Rail Limited

TfW Rail Limited is the train operating company with day-to-day responsibility for rail services across the Wales and Borders Network. 


TfW Innovation Limited

TfW Innovation Limited is a joint venture between TfW and KeolisAmey, where TfW is the majority shareholder. The company provides specialist expertise and capability to drive innovation and change for the wider TfW group, enabling the delivery of an integrated multi-modal transport system for the people of Wales and its borders. 


Pullman Rail

Pullman Rail operates as a stand-alone company, delivering services under its own brand. Operating from its depot in Canton, Cardiff, Pullman Rail provides technical rail expertise; specialised rolling stock upgrades; repair, refurbishment and maintenance of all passenger and freight rail vehicles; and engineering solutions.


Our Company Boards

All the TfW company Boards operate in accordance with the Companies Act, the UK Corporate Governance Code, Managing Welsh Public Money and TfW’s Corporate Governance Framework.

Our four company Boards:

  • provide effective leadership; defining and developing strategic direction and setting challenging objectives;
  • ensure strategies are developed for meeting company objectives in accordance with the policies and priorities established by TfW in conjunction with the Welsh Ministers, the Deputy Minister for Climate Change and other relevant stakeholders, for example employees, customers and funding providers;
  • ensure that the Minister and TfW’s Sponsor Team are kept fully informed of any changes that are likely to impact on TfW’s strategic direction or on the attainability of its targets, and of steps needed to deal with such changes;
  • promote high standards of public finance, upholding the principles of regularity, propriety and value for money;
  • ensure company activities are conducted efficiently and effectively;
  • ensure banking arrangements are adequate for its purposes;
  • monitor performance to ensure the company meets its aims, objectives and performance targets;
  • make senior executive and non-executive appointments to the company Board;
  • ensure equality of opportunity is always considered when approving policies and making decisions; and
  • ensure effective arrangements are in place to provide assurance on risk management, including information security, governance, internal audit, external audit and internal control in accordance with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements and, where relevant, Codes of Practice or applicable guidance .

More information about the TfW boards can be found here.


1.2 Organisational structure

A graphic explaining TfW’s structure as a group of companies and our relationship with Welsh Government and key partners can be found here.

TfW Innovation Services consists only of its Board of Directors and as such, there is no organisational structure to provide. 

More information about the TfW group senior leadership can be found here

Details of the Pullman Rail Limited organisation structure can be found on their website.


1.3 Legislation relevant to our role

TfW operates pursuant to the powers and functions provided in Section 1 of the Welsh Development Agency Act 1975 together with Section 60 (1) (a) of the Government of Wales Act 2006.  These powers are powers of the Welsh Ministers to do anything they consider appropriate to achieve the promotion or improvement of the economic well-being of Wales.  In addition, Section 71 of the Government of Wales Act 2006, that the Welsh Ministers may form a company (such as an arm’s length company) to provide services for them, where that is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive or incidental to, the exercise of any of their functions. 

Some of TfW activities will be covered under the “Teckal” principles in terms of its relationship with the Welsh Government. These principles have now been incorporated into UK law through the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (Annex 3).  TfW shall ensure it complies with the “Teckal” principles to the extent applicable to it.

TfW will operate in accordance with the Companies Act 2006, and any UK company law as applicable.  


1.4 Organisations we work with

Transport for Wales works closely with various stakeholders.  We work closely with:

  • Amey Infrastructure Wales
  • Network Rail
  • Office for Road and Rail
  • Department for Transport
  • Local authorities 

 Further information can be found here.


1.5 Locations and contact details

3 Llys Cadwyn, Pontypridd, Rhondda Cynon Taf CF37 4TH


2. What we spend and how we spend it

2.1 Financial statements, budgets and variance reports

Annual reports and accounts, budgets (estimates of income and expenditure) and our business plan are on our website


2.2 Allowances and expenses

Details of the expenses of senior management and Board Member expenses are published on our website.


2.3 Procurement and tendering procedures

Information about our procurement and tendering procedures can be found on our website.


3. Our priorities are and how we're doing

3.1 Strategic plan

Our business plan outlines our core themes and business activities. Our business plan can be found here.


3.2 Annual reports

Our annual reports and accounts, including the external auditor's reports can be found here.


4. How we make decisions

4.1 Major decisions

TfW makes decisions in several ways:
The TfW Board has overall responsibility for decision making within TfW. It has six committees which serve the Board in an advisory role. The Board reserves some decisions to itself but has otherwise delegated authority to:

The Chief Executive, who in turn, has delegated some of his authority to:

  • Individual executive directors, who make individual decisions and use their authority within the scope of their roles.
  • Senior Leadership Team (SLT) is the forum that the Chief Executive uses to discuss, monitor and make decisions with the executive directors collectively and ensure a consistent approach on significant management and policy matters. In addition, the SLT ensures oversight of delivery of the corporate strategy/business plan, corporate governance, and value for money. It approves draft Board reports, makes key cross-directorate policy decisions, provides policy steer and monitors and reviews corporate information such as the accounts.

The activities of all our subsidiary companies are overseen by a Board of directors and operate in accordance with the Companies Act, the UK Corporate Governance, Managing Welsh Public Money and TfW’s Corporate Governance Framework. Where necessary, escalations are made from a subsidiary company board to the TfW Board or one of its sub-committees. 


4.2 Minutes of TfW group Board meetings

The minutes for each of the TfW and TfW Rail Limited board meetings can be found here.


4.3 Consultations

Full details of any public consultations will appear on our website


5. Policies and procedures

Our strategic policies and key strategies for delivering our functions and responsibilities can be found here.

Our modern slavery statement can be found here.

Information pertaining to data protection for job applicants can be found here.


6. Lists and registers

6.1 Asset register

Information about fixed assets is given in our annual report and accounts.


6.2 Disclosure log

Our disclosure log sets out responses we have given to FOI requests.


6.3 Hospitality given and received by senior staff

We publish details of hospitality given and received by Transport for Wales staff. You can access this information here


6.4 Register of interests

A Register of Interests for the members of each TfW Board can be found on the corresponding pages for each Board.  


7. The services we offer

All the ways in which you can travel with TfW – including rail, bus and active travel – can be found here.

Information relating to all ongoing TfW projects to improve the transport network in Wales can be found here

Our customer service team respond to all your queries, concerns and complaints. You can contact them here.

You can sign up for our newsletter here