Getting you to the venue and home again, safely
Whether it’s a Rugby Six Nations match, a Tom Jones concert, the Royal Welsh Show or a food festival, Wales frequently plays host to big events. These can pull in huge crowds from right across the UK and sometimes further afield.
Our rail services play a vital role getting tens of thousands of people to events and then getting them home safely afterwards.
We carry out a huge amount of preparation before any big event that will impact our services. We bring in extra staff and volunteers to assist our customers and set up queuing systems so we can manage numbers on platforms. This helps keep everyone safe.
Our maintenance and engineering teams work hard to make sure every available train in our fleet is ready to serve people right across our network. We’ll also arrange bus transport if we need to so we’re able to get everyone to their destination.
Before and during event days, we work closely with our partners, such as the British Transport Police and local councils, to monitor passenger numbers and keep our services safe and secure for everyone.
Whether it’s the aftermath of a football match or a concert, our frontline colleagues are on hand to support passengers as they arrive at our stations. They’ll answer queries, manage queues and help direct people to the platform where they’ll catch their train home. Our cleaning teams also work hard to keep our trains and stations clean and tidy and make them ready for duty the following morning.