On December 24 2023, we temporarily reopened Portobello level crossing, located just North of Taff’s Well station.
We’ll be permanently closing the level crossing on June 2 2024 in line with our exciting timetable changes that will be in place from that date. This change of timetable allows us to start bringing in more frequent and later running train services; the start of a true ‘turn up and go’ South Wales Metro service.
However, it will mean that there will be 16 trains per hour (8 in each direction) through Taffs Well. The more frequent services (all of which call at Taffs Well station) mean that it’s no longer safe to keep Portobello level crossing open.
Once the level crossing is closed, pedestrians wishing to cross the railway line will need to use the stepped access across the current footbridge or use Ffordd Bleddyn’s pedestrian access pathway that will reopen on 31 May. This temporary diversion will be in place whilst we continue our work to install the fully accessible footbridge at Taffs Well station, with both steps and lift access onto each station platform. We’re aiming to open this bridge to the public in Summer 2024. This will then become the permanent diversion and public right of way following the closure of the level crossing.
Why do you need to close the level crossing permanently?
- Much of our infrastructure was built in the early days of railways when there were no cars, or as many people living nearby level crossings. The world is a very different place now, making level crossings much more dangerous than the people who originally built them would have intended.
- Keeping the crossing open following this increase in services would be extremely dangerous, with trains travelling through the crossing every 2-3 minutes. As trains will also be entering and exiting the depot site, this will also cause an increase in train movements through Taff’s Well station, and these train movements will not always show on online journey planners.
- Closing a level crossing altogether isn’t a step we take lightly, but it’s the most effective way of reducing the risk of accidents.
- A new accessible footbridge over the railway is being built slightly further up the line at Taffs Well station and will be open to all that need to cross over the railway. The new bridge will have step and lift access to each platform and will be accessible 24/7.
Why can’t you build a bridge in the same location as the level crossing?
- We’re unable to construct a new footbridge at the site of the existing Portobello crossing as there is not enough space available. If the new bridge was to be fully accessible and step free, it would require long ramps to provide the required health and safety gradients, impacting a larger number of adjacent properties and requiring an even larger footprint of land outside our land boundary.
- We’re exploring the most suitable route to and from the new station footbridge to make this as accessible and as efficient for the pedestrians and cyclists that will use it.
More information
If you want to get in touch with us, our team is available 24/7, so please call us on 03333 211 202. Alternatively, you may contact us via WhatsApp at 07790 952 507 (07:00 - 20:00 on Monday to Friday, and 11:00 - 20:00 on Sunday).