Commuting from Gowerton to Swansea is easy.

It takes just 15 minutes on one of our quick eco-friendly trains. Not only is it better for the environment for you to commute this way, but you also won't have to deal with looking for parking spaces in the centre and having change for the meters.

Live departures and arrivals
  • Why Choose Transport for Wales?
    • We are a pet-friendly company, which means you can travel with your pet as your companion. We allow up to two pets per passenger, as long as they do not threaten the safety of other passengers and staff. We provide hassle-free reliable transport and services tailored to fit all your needs - any time, anywhere.
  • What are the accessibility options for TfW trains?
    • We are passionate about inclusive travel and it being accessible for all. We have installed ramps, made wheelchair spaces wider and made buttons on both internal and external doors reachable. We aim to make your journey with us as comfortable as possible. For further details, follow this link.
  • Can I take my dog on the train?
    • All dogs are permitted to travel with us, not just service dogs. We even welcome other small animals on board too. From cats to rats, they can accompany you on your trip, find the guidelines here on who can travel along with us. Our only ask is that they are well behaved and don't bother other passengers.