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  • Why Choose Transport for Wales?
    • We put the passenger at the forefront of our services. By offering an unsurpassable service, at unbeatable prices, as passengers, you can't lose! Fast, efficient and eco-friendly - perfect!
  • How to download our TfW app?
    • Our user-friendly app offers free access to exclusive offers, and a wide range of benefits, including fast tracking to your train, and the latest travel updates. Available to download for iPhones and Androids, so just follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Can I take my dog on the train?
    • With Transport for Wales being so dog-friendly, why not bring him, or her, along with you? Well behaved dogs are always welcome on our trains, and providing they don't disturb other passengers, you can bring two pets per person from dogs to lizards. Click here for more information.
  • What are the ways to buy your ticket?
    • Buy your Transport for Wales tickets, railcards or season tickets in person at your local station, or via our website, by phone, or download our free app. Find out more here.