Cut your emissions and travel from Bridgend to Merthyr Tydfil by train.

Our trains cover all the four corners of Wales, so wherever you need to go, Transport for Wales can get you there. For more information on our network, click here.

Live departures and arrivals
  • Why Choose Transport for Wales?
    • We put every passenger at the forefront of what we do, so your comfort, safety and peace of mind matter, and by providing an alternative to high polluting road vehicles, we look after future generations, too!
  • Do the trains have free WiFi?
    • Make the most of your train journey with our free WiFi. Stream the latest film release, download the bestselling novel, or play games - all without reducing your data allowance. For more information, click here.
  • Are there any discounts available if I'm travelling with friends?
    • A lads night out, hen do or a romantic getaway - save money with our group travel deals. Follow this link to find out more.
  • Can I take my dog on the train?
    • Take your doggy pal on an adventure with you. We love fussing waggy, friendly dogs and as long as they are polite to other passengers, you can bring up to two dogs on our trains. This applies to other furry, or non-furry, friends, too. You can find all the information you need here.