Getting to Swansea University from Chepstow takes under two hours on our reliable network.

Travelling by train is kinder to the environment and reduces the carbon footprint, leaving those beautiful views for generations to come.

Live departures and arrivals
  • Why Choose Transport for Wales?
    • Trains are arguably one of the most eco-friendly ways to travel to Swansea. They help to eliminate the majority of the harmful emissions given off by road traffic, choosing our rail network preserves our beautiful countryside for a little longer.
  • Are there any discounts available if I'm travelling with friends?
    • Going out as a group of friends can be difficult, especially when organising transport, but Transport for Wales has the solution. We have a range of discounts, even on group bookings, so not only will you save money, you'll all arrive together safe, so there is no risk of anyone getting missed at the end of the night. For our deals click here.
  • What are the ways to buy your ticket?
    • To adhere to government guidelines, we are making contactless payments our preferred choice. However, you can still purchase tickets in other ways, click here for more information.