Travelling from Shrewsbury to Ludlow by train allows you to arrive feeling fresh and relaxed, and with the journey only taking half an hour, you’ll have plenty of time to explore.

Take advantage of our Advanced ticket deals or the flexible Off-peak options on services that run throughout the day. Ludlow has many things to offer – from visiting museums, castles and churches, to taking a stroll along the gloriously historic streets. It also hosts the annual Medieval Christmas Fayre and the renowned Ludlow Food and Drink Festival. With so much going on, your Ludlow adventure will give you some wonderful memories.

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No visit is complete without a trip to Ludlow Castle. Founded by the Normans, it was home to Prince Arthur who died there in 1502. In the 17th century, the castle was abandoned and slowly became a ruin. Now, it features the whole spectrum of architectural remains, from the Norman, Medieval and Tudor periods.

Ludlow is a town ideally suited for walking. Take a stroll through the historic Broad Street all the way down to the Broad Gate – a beautiful combination of 13th-century defences and romantic 19th-century additions. Lined with the colourful restaurants that give the Shropshire town its reputation as one of the best places to eat in the UK.

Turn your trip into a wild adventure by hiking the Mortimer Trail. This 30-mile footpath through the glorious Welsh Marches crosses the picturesque River Teme, meanders through grasslands and shadowed forests, through areas abundant in native flora and fauna, and whether you brave the whole length or just a small portion, it will make your trip complete.

Catching the train home is the perfect end to the perfect day, and next time you fancy a trip out, download our app to keep up to date with our latest deals.