With Transport for Wales, catching the train from Swansea to Caerphilly is straightforward.

Taking under 90 minutes, our eco-friendly trains are good for the environment and with our money saving ticket options, good for your wallet.

Live departures and arrivals
  • Why Choose Transport for Wales?
    • If you're travelling from Swansea to Caerphilly for business or leisure, Transport for Wales makes sure your journey is comfortable, relaxing and easy. With trains going to stations throughout Wales and the West of England, this is the best way to reach your destination.
  • Do the trains have free Wi-Fi?
    • Available on most of our trains, Transport for Wales provided a free Wi-Fi service. This means you can relax, catch up with emails or watch the latest soaps easily.
  • Are there any discounts available if I'm travelling with friends?
    • Take a day off, and go exploring by train with your friends. With discounts on group travel, Transport for Wales makes sure you have some left in your wallet to treat yourself. You can find out more here.
  • What destinations does TfW cover?
    • Transport for Wales has services that visit stations throughout Wales, Gloucestershire and the West of England, allowing you to travel to your destination in a comfortable, hassle-free way. For more information about our routes, click here.