KPI: Operating Expenditure

Full year operational expenditure.



The full year forecast aligns with the TfW Budget within the Business Plan. Movement from prior year reflects higher costs associated with readiness for the introduction of increased services.

2023/24 FY Spend


2023/24 FY Spend


2024/25 FY Budget



Well-being of Future Generations Act (WFGA) goals addressed:

1. A Prosperous Wales


Forward look

We continue to review spend across TfW to identify risks and opportunities and build in management challenge and efficiency savings into the budget setting process.



KPI: Capital Expenditure

Full year capital expenditure.



The full year forecast remains aligned to the TfW Budget within the Business Plan with the majority of spend on the Core Valley Lines as well as new rail rolling stock for the transformation of the services.

2023/24 FY Spend


2024/25 FY Forecast


2024/25 FY Budget



Well-being of Future Generations Act (WFGA) goals addressed:

1. A Prosperous Wales


Forward look

We continue to review spend across TfW to identify risks and opportunities and build in management challenge and efficiency savings in the forecast process.



KPI: Ticket Sales

The revenue earned from rail ticket sales; this is commonly referred to as Passenger Revenue (although Farebox Income is used interchangeably across the industry).



Ticket Sales has significantly increased year-on-year in Q1. This increase was primarily driven by growth in the number of passenger journeys, particularly in South Wales.

Q1 2023/24


Q1 2024/25



Well-being of Future Generations Act (WFGA) goals addressed:

1. A Prosperous Wales


Forward look

We will continue to seek ways to enhance the customer experience to generate further growth in passenger journeys to drive revenue growth. We will deliver more dynamic revenue management pricing across the network and explore a more innovative approach to fares and pricing during 2024/25.


More key performance indicators