KPI: Carbon Dioxide Emissions per Passenger Kilometre

The amount of Scope 1 Carbon dioxide emissions in grams produced by our rail services per passenger km travelled. Scope 1 emissions are those arising from fuel consumption by our trains. This methodology is in line with Welsh Government reporting criteria for Carbon emissions.



Rolling stock carbon dioxide emissions per passenger kilometre decreased by 7.6% this year as we moved away from older trains to new more efficient trains as well as increasing passenger numbers using our services. What is not measured here but is an additional benefit, is that the increase of passenger numbers will likely have an overall reduction in other vehicle tailpipe emissions as people use trains instead of motorised cars and bikes etc.





Q4 2023/24



Well-being of Future Generations Act (WFGA) goals addressed:

2. A Resilient Wales

3. A Healthier Wales

4. A More Equal Wales

7. A Globally Responsible Wales


Forward look

We are continuing to deliver programmes to improve our carbon footprint and will soon be publishing our 2030 Energy Strategy which will provide us a robust and measured approach for reducing the environmental impact of energy used across our estate and electrified transport services. This will help us reduce emissions from energy used to power the electrified Core Valley Lines.



More key performance indicators