Transport for Wales workers inspecting underneath a train

KPI: Colleague safety

The overall percentage of TfW Rail staff who worked safely and were not exposed to unsafe acts or conditions, such as antisocial behaviour, close calls or accidents.



On average, 99.3% of colleagues positively worked safely during 2023/24. We’ve increased the number of body worn cameras for our front-line colleagues and made it easier to report incidents or issues. Our security provision is in constant review with an agile team able to focus with British Transport Police on any areas of concern. Our safety team have been out measuring slip and trip risks and working with our operational and facilities teams to reduce risks further.





Q4 2023/24



Well-being of Future Generations Act (WFGA) goals addressed:

2. A Resilient Wales

3. A Healthier Wales


Forward look

Our Health, Safety, Security and Resilience Plan 2024/25 is being developed. It will contain stretch objectives and strategies to improve safety for our colleagues and customers including bus franchising operations and activities. We’re seeking to positively impact customer behaviour on our stations, trains and buses, review our major emergency planning and core safety competencies, as well as testing an integrated policing project on the core valley lines.



Passengers waiting to board a TfW train

KPI: Safety incidents per 100k passengers journeys

The number of safety incidents involving any customer, passenger, or a member of public per 100,000 passenger journeys taken.



The number of safety incidents involving our passengers compared to the number of passenger journeys remained relatively consistent throughout 2023/24. We see seasonal spikes linked to events, summer holidays and Christmas festivities. Incidents primarily occur at railway stations, and while boarding or alighting trains. Causes are often related to customer behaviour, including intoxication, hurrying for trains and care on stairs. Last year we had an independent review by the Rail Safety and Standards Board on customer accidents and this has helped us develop our future customer safety programme and campaigns. We’ve refreshed our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, working with the UK Department for Transport and the Samaritans to support our customers, staff and community. This will assist in helping those most at risk on our network





Q4 2023/24



Well-being of Future Generations Act (WFGA) goals addressed:

2. A Resilient Wales

3. A Healthier Wales


Forward look

The customer accident and behaviours plan will aim to address further mitigations to reduce harm. Work is ongoing with British Transport Police to plan for major sporting events and concerts in Cardiff, particularly the Six Nations which brings high numbers of visitors to the city centre. We are developing improved Safety Key Performance Indicators and targets to help inform decision making which will drive further improvements.