Getting the train from Bridgend to the market town of Hereford helps to cut emissions and doesn't increase your carbon footprint.

It also saves you money with our budget friendly fares, eliminates the stress of driving, and allows you to arrive feeling relaxed.

Live departures and arrivals
  • What types of train tickets can you get?
    • Since 2016, Transport for Wales have been saving you money on rail fares, and that isn't about to change now. Whether you want Off-peak tickets, family discounts, or a season ticket, we have just what you need. Click here for more information.
  • How to download our TfW app?
    • Our free mobile phone app allows you to buy tickets wherever you are, check timetables, or fast track to the train, bypassing any crowds at the station. Whether your phone is an iPhone or an Android downloading the app is easy.
  • What are the accessibility options for TfW trains?
    • Over the next few months we aim to increase accessibility across the Transport for Wales network. This involves introducing improvements such as the innovative Changing Places toilets, mobility scooter access and making our signage clearer. Read about all-inclusive rail travel here.