Catching the train for your trip from Hereford to Aberystwyth allows you to enjoy a hassle-free, relaxing journey, so whether it’s for business or a weekend on the coast, save money with our discounted range of tickets, including the popular off-peak options. Catch up with work, or the latest blockbuster by connecting to our free onboard Wifi, and make the most of your time.

The beautiful town of Aber, as the locals call it, lies on the stunning Ceredigion Coastal Way. Stretching for over 85 miles, this part of the route is a more manageable 5 miles, beginning at the summit of the famous Constitution Hill. It’s great for getting out and experiencing the dramatic coastline, and if you have a canine friend, bring him along too - we welcome dogs on our trains. If you and Rover feel a little daunted by climbing the dizzying heights of Constitution Hill, catch the Cliff Railway to the summit. The view from the top is inspiring - across the sea on one side, while inland, the town spreads out beneath you to the rolling hills beyond. Try looking through the world’s largest Camera Obscura to see the landscape in even more detail.

Live departures and arrivals

If a cross country walk isn’t your thing, head for the glorious seafront promenade. Running around the classic curve of the bay from the marina at one end to Constitution Hill at the other, sets of wide steps lead down to the silvery sands. The Royal Pier, reaching out over the water for what used to be around 800 feet before various storms shortened it considerably, is a fabulous Victorian legacy. Home to ice cream parlours, tea rooms, pizza restaurants and more, this is the place to come for a bite to eat and a sit down while taking in the fresh sea air. 

More relaxing nature exists in the Magic of Life Butterfly House, and this celebration of the natural world’s beauty is well worth a visit. With colourful collections of rare plants and flowers, wonderful woodland walks, complete with waterfalls, unusual insects and caterpillars, and of course, the most amazing butterflies. From smaller than a fingernail, to larger than your hand, these brightly coloured jewels flutter by, landing on your outstretched palm. Some will happily drink nectar from small saucers so that you can see how these marvellous creatures feed, and … Rover can come too. This is a very dog friendly venue! 

At the end of your visit to this Welsh treasure, it’s time to head home from Aberystwyth. Relax in comfort in our homeward bound carriages, and start planning your next trip by checking for bargains on our easy-to-use smartphone app.