Book your stress-free journey from Milford Haven to Swansea with our easy-to-use mobile app which you can use to check the arrivals and departures timetables.

We have a selection of discounts available on tickets, though if you’re travelling with a large group of friends you can find the best option here.

Live departures and arrivals
  • Do the trains have free WiFi?
    • The majority of our trains offer free WiFi to compliment your journey and make it even more enjoyable. Find all the details here.
  • How to download our TfW app?
    • The best way to stay up-to-date on our services is with our app. You can access train timetables and the latest information on how to stay safe travelling with us. All you have to do is visit Google Play Store or The App Store click download and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Are there any discounts available if I'm travelling with friends?
    • Looking for ways to save money on a night out with friends? Instead of travelling by taxi, who not travel by train? Our stations tend to be in the town/city centre's so you usually end up right where you want to be and we offer discounts on group bookings. It's a win-win situation.