Planning to go to Abergavenny?

Catch the train directly from Cwmbran station and you'll arrive safe and sound in around 15 minutes, cutting your carbon footprint while saving time and effort - perfect!

Live departures and arrivals
  • Why Choose Transport for Wales?
    • Our passengers' welfare is at the heart of everything we do, from making sure our fares are as low as possible, to ensuring our stations and trains are accessible for everyone.
  • Do the trains have free WiFi?
    • Our free WiFi allows you to work uninterupted, or relax with your favourite film. We know which we would choose! All the information you need is here.
  • What destinations does TfW cover?
    • Transport for Wales carries passengers throughout Wales, the West Midlands and North West England, ensuring they arrive at their destination feeling relaxed and ready for the day. More information about our routes is available here.