At Transport for Wales, we want to be Wales's favourite way to travel.

We must build a sustainable travel network on behalf of the communities we serve. This requires us to be open and transparent in our approach. The publication of these key performance indicators is an important step toward this. It will help us be trusted by customers, communities and stakeholders.

Our key performance indicators are broken down into five key areas, (safety, customer, people, finance and sustainability) which reflect the remit of Transport for Wales.

Demonstrating progress in all these areas is a priority for us. Each measure how close we are to achieving the remit we’ve been set by the Welsh Government. You can read these priorities in our business plan and corporate strategy.

Our key performance indicators will develop as we deliver our remit.

A diagram showing the 7 Well-being of Future Generations Act Well-being Goals: 1. A prospoerous Wales. 2. A resilient Wales. 3. A healthier Wales. 4. A more equal Wales. 5. A Wales of cohesive communities. 6. A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language and 7. A globally responsible Wales

In preparation for becoming a named body of the Well-being of Future Generations Act in June 2024, we have aligned our key performance indicators to the seven well-being goals.

This is about ensuring that future generations have at least the same quality of life as we do now. The act provides for better decision-making by ensuring that public bodies:

  • take account of the long term
  • help to prevent problems occurring or getting worse
  • take an integrated approach
  • take a collaborative approach and consider and involve people of all ages and diversity.