For a comfortable, efficient and eco-friendly way to travel, catch a Transport for Wales train from Swansea Station to Cwmbran.

Reduce your carbon footprint and save money at the same time - we have several budget friendly ticket options. For more information, click here.

Live departures and arrivals
  • Are there any discounts available if I'm travelling with friends?
    • Take advantage of our group travel discounts and arrange a day trip with your friends. Why not go sightseeing, have fun at the beach or enjoy some retail therapy? It's easy with Transport for Wales. For details, follow this link.
  • What are the accessibility options for TfW trains?
    • We're determined to make our trains and stations accessible for everyone, and are rolling out more improvements. These include wheelchair and mobility scooter spaces, ramps and easy-to-read signage. You can find details of our plans here.
  • Can I take my dog on the train?
    • Your furry friend would really love a day out with you, so why not bring him (or her) along? You are allowed two well behaved dogs per passenger, and providing they don't interfere with other people, this applies to other pets too. There's more information here.